When does University of Miami send acceptance letters (or emails) for early decision 2015?

i didn’t apply for aid

mine doesnt let me click on the 2017…

Is there anything left on your todo list?

Mine says aid year: 2017 then under aid year description it says: no financial aid data available

nothing left on my to do list

Well if you didn’t apply for aid then it probably wouldn’t say anythin

I didn’t apply for aid maybe that’s why there’s nothing there? I’m just praying it comes out in an hour or so and they’ve just been trolling us this entire time.

Wow so basically you know you got in. Im so incredibly jealous.

i dont trust it I want to see something that says “you got in”

no i see what they’re talking about. you click on the 2017 on the left and it popps up i see it too

guys I really don’t think that we’re going to find out tonight…I think it’ll be this friday. the woman on the phone was like “we hope to get everything sent out by the end of the week”… so whoever’s saying next week is probably lying and whoevers saying today prob is just eager because most ED schools are today. but miami is different and we have to just be patient i guess even though its annoying af that they didn’t tell us a specific day

think positive

Mine says “award access not available” and I can’t click on the 2017

Mine says that when I click on the accept awards but not the view financial aid

i wonder if they even realize the full extent of the level of anxiety we all have right now

Also it seems like so many people have talked to so many admissions officers and they’ve all said different things. Idk what to believe anymore lol just hoping its tonight

@mfrench022 i talked to a woman named Julie at 5 and she told me that it was by the end of the week, so i’m assuming friday. i wish it was today but i really dont know

Yeah the website says something different than what my admissions officer said idk who/what to believe

What time do you guys think

If we hear nothing by 8 then it’s safe to assume that it won’t be tonight