When is best time to try and switch class

<p>My son got a Chinese teacher for Math and I was told to try and switch-but all other sections are closed- do they only open up on certain days/times?</p>

<p>Which teacher and who said to switch?</p>

<p>Mengpu Chen - several people said to switch- guess this teacher may be hard to understand or just a hard teacher</p>

<p>I think they open seats during the registration portion of Bama bound, 2nd day morning, or afternoon on the one day sessions. Everyone but the kids at that Bama Bound session seem to be locked out during that time. At least that is what I noticed today. However at noon you could get in and drop and add. So, we plan to look toward the end of every Bama Bound registration session to see what opens up. I bet a lot could open up after AP tests are in and kids can register for the higher level Math.</p>

<p>Thx. When do AP results come in?</p>

<p>DD has Bikash Das for her math lab. She is not sure who the instructor for the class is. In her words, “all the math professors are foreign”. Has your son looked on RMP for that professor? </p>

<p>DD has 4 days of 8:00am classes. Someone told her that is going to be awful. She actually likes it over some of the other options she had like 5:00pm classes. Considering one is in Tut and that is her dorm… and her high school started at
7:30am, having classes at 8:00 is going to be a breeze. She is still looking to see if she can do more like 11:00 for some of them but otherwise she is very happy with her schedule.</p>

<p>Her roommate was at the same BB as us this week and was not able to get a good time slot for her math class, 8:00pm I believe, ICK! She was able to change it today.</p>

<p>yes- he isn’t list on RMP as well as other teachers- wonder why- we will try and switch- his lab says Tutwiler hall…</p>

<p>The math lab is in Tut. DD loves that, she is living there.<br>
I’m going to guess that it may be grad students teaching the lower level math classes so they will not be on RMP.</p>

<p>Was it older UA students are incoming freshmen that said to switch? Just curious.</p>

<p>Students. But one said today that it should be fine</p>

<p>Yes, some (not all) of the math profs are foreign born, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t speak English well enough to teach. </p>

<p>My son had an Italian OChem prof and he spoke very good English.</p>

<p>M2CK-good to hear-</p>

<p>he has 3 classes on Thursday 11,12 :30 and 2 and I don’t think it’ll work-I’ll either change one or drop one- just haven’t been able to do so yet…</p>

<p>The original question was what is the best time to switch classes.</p>

<p>Based on previous threads from long ago, I have always thought the dead/middle of the night (if reg is open). The reason is even if you can enter both the drop and the add commands at the same time, if the class you are trying to get is somehow at that very moment no longer available, then your drop command will still go through and you will thus have NO math class, so you’ll have to add that original class back in. And someone could be trying to get into that class you just gave up. I know, I know…what are the odds of someone being on at the same time as you?.. Well, you never know. Sometimes it even looks like there is a spot in class, but there might be a slim possibility that the seat is on a hold for someone who is on a wait list.</p>