When is online RD announced?

<p>The website says that a letter will be sent with a decision "on April 1st," but does anyone know when the Portal announces the decision, or when it did last year?</p>

<p>My S still can't log on to the portal -- no id yet.</p>


<p>same day…after 5 E.T. I believe…</p>

<p>The decisions come out March 31 this year! [Penn</a> Admissions: Penn’s Admissions Timetable](<a href=“http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/timetable.php]Penn”>http://www.admissionsug.upenn.edu/applying/timetable.php)</p>

<p>Aren’t all Ivies supposed to release decisions at the same time? If so then yeah, at 5pm on March 31st we should be able to check online.</p>

<p>They don’t come out on April 1st because that’s April Fools Day and some Ivies would be cruel enough to notify students online of acceptance… followed up with a big juicy packet in the mail that only says APRIL FOOLS!</p>

<p>yea they wouldn’t do that…</p>

<p>i could be mistaken by that link just says school of nursing decisions go up to the 31st…also, it says that decisions are MAILED on the 31st</p>

<p>I could be wrong but I still want to say its on the first</p>