<p>It seems (according to the threads posted on CC) that people were finding out whether they got in or not by logging in to their accounts on 3/21 last year.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if that same date/situation applies for our year?</p>
<p>If so…does that mean there’s only 16 days left?!?</p>
<p>Yea right, brillar! sry about that, but the admission did tell me that the decision will be mailed… bryn mawr never emailed me my username and password to my account, so i guess i will have to request them now. although i never checked my account, i know all my documents were received. Do you guys know how to request the username and password from the admissions? Thanks!</p>
<p>I just had the strangest occurrence ever. I realized that college students are always counting down on something. You might count the days until you get your roommate assignment, Custom’s Week, your first 20-page paper, fall break, the new course catalog, finals week, summer applications, room draw, study abroad notifications, your thesis defense, GRE test scores, commencement… it never ends. </p>
<p>haha FunnyClifford, i like that! its like the countdown for the countdown to everything else =]
but i hope life isnt actually like that…i’ll just waste it away always waiting for something or another.</p>