<p>My school has sent in my Mid-year report in January. When should my school send the final report? I also heard that the final year report package should be sent both online and mailed by the school (along with the Midyear and all previous sent ones). Is that true?</p>
<p>Your school will send the final report to the school you will be attending not to every school you have applied or accepted, which would be sometime in June/July. Your acceptance to a college is contingent on your final transcript.</p>
<p>What you need to do is request your high school to send the final transcript to your college when it becomes available. Some high schools will do it automatically as long as they have where you will be attending college, for others you need to make specific request. Whether it it goes by email or mail simply depends on how your high school does it and whether the college prefers it by email or mail.Generally the high school does not have to send both an email and mail.</p>