When is the financial aid stuff due?

<p>theres a thread here that says its due the 1st but then i got an email from cornell that says</p>

<p>If you intend to apply for financial aid, please do so by January 2nd. Remember that we do not consider your financial circumstances when we review your admissions application. Cornell provides financial aid based on need which may reduce or eliminate your student loans, and reduce or eliminate your parental contribution.</p>

<p>what is the correct date?</p>

<p>Please read this:</p>

<p>[Regular</a> Decision](<a href=“http://finaid.cornell.edu/deadlines/regulardecision.cfm]Regular”>http://finaid.cornell.edu/deadlines/regulardecision.cfm)</p>

<p>man why the heck would cornell even send me that info then???</p>

<p>Okay, does “due” = “postmarked”?</p>

<p>Okay, apparently it’s postmarked by 1/1. I just answered my own question.</p>

<p>whats the difference???</p>

<p>I thought it had to BE in Ithaca on the first…</p>

<p>How do we even send in the CSS Profile when our parents don’t even have 2008 returns yet?!?</p>

<p>Doesn’t that page say “Applications received after the deadline will still be considered for all forms of financial aid, and will be processed as soon as possible.”?</p>

<p>call the board, they fixed mine, had same problem</p>

<p>what do you mean “call the board” or “fixed”. was their letter a mistake?</p>

<p>Just send in all of your FA forms as you are able.</p>

<p>You do not need the need the 2008 returns to do the CSS Profile…I don’t even know why it says that…because there’s no way you can do it!</p>

<p>It’s alright…I went through financial aid shenanigans for 4 years…and I was never able to submit my FA forms on time to Cornell…so I do have some idea as to what I’m talking about :)</p>

<p>anyone know why the office of financial aid at cornell is closed right now? i tried calling them but it wouldnt pick up</p>

<p>Cornell employees are on their winter holiday. University offices will reopen on January 5th.</p>

<p>God damnit!!!</p>

<p>frick its due 1/1 on college board it said 2/11!
you cant even start fafsa until 1/1…</p>

<p>How come the website says 1/1 but the form itself says 1/5?</p>

<p>they are idiots thats how. Website says January 1, Newsletter that we received says January 2 if I remember correctly, the application form itself says January 5, and collegeboard and commonapplication.com say its February 11 ( and thats how I always thought it was).</p>

<p>It is amazing to see this level of irresponsibility from such a respectable school. I sent in my tax forms and application today but there is no way I am going to do CSS Profile until january. I am about to give up on cornell.</p>

<p>^dude, you don’t have to give up. Jan 1 is their recommended date. i’m sure they will still take CSS well after then.</p>

<p>i’m not even gonna be close to submitting my CSS on Jan 1, and i’m not sweating it.</p>

<p>Blah, I made my parents finish everything for Cornell by today. I’m sure they hate both me and Cornell…</p>

<p>There’s nothing that can be done about the situation now, so just submit everything as you finish it and everything will be okay.</p>

<p>I haven’t completed mine either. :/</p>