When people don't vaccinate their kids

I hope that teenager wins the court case against his parents. Even if just to make a point.

@exlibris97 can you link to an article about that teen? My google skills are failing me.

If the teen wins their case I hope the next test case is against parents who feed their kids soda, fast food and other garbage. Both are signs of deliberate child abuse.

How about parents who let their kids play football or other sports that are now known to result in long term brain damage? Child abuse?

^^^ yup, the list is endless. Let the lawyering begin.

Football and soda, although bad for children’s health (and I personally allowed neither one), to me are different from refusing to vaccinate. Refusing a CDC- and pediatrician-recommended routine health measure that is known to prevent serious illness is different from drinking soda.

False equivalencies indeed.

Okay, let’s do take this path further. Alcohol and drug consumption during pregnancy is a known cause of future physical problems and possible mental deficiencies. And, unlike vaccinations which are failure to undertake protective actions, drug consumption is an INTENTIONAL action with intent to harm.

From the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/alcohol-use.html

Are we looking forward to the day offspring can sue their parents for this behavior? Note, the guilty parent will be the one who is biologically female.

So while we may not ‘like’ the comparison, and while we may, with self appointed authority, claim it to be a false equivalency, that just not how our legal system works.

Careful what you applaud.

You bring up junk food and soda, get criticized for it, and defend it by jumping to alcohol and drugs? /:slight_smile:

@dietz199, whenever you state your opinion, have you by virtue of doing so made yourself “a self appointed authority”? Or are you just stating your opinion?

I should have simply started with alcohol and drugs.

My point is simple. If a child can sue a parent for the negative effects of a parents’ decision to not vaccinate, a precedent will been set.

Rules of logic don’t apply to our legal system. Therefore the whole ‘false equivalence’ might garner an 'A" in philosophy 101, but not in a courtroom.

If we are going to allow kids to sue their parents for dumb, ignorant, hurtful, harmful things they do - things which are currently not against the law - then the young’uns currently in law school have much over which to rejoice.

What happens in British courts do not necessarily set precedent for American law.

And ONE person liked that post, one more said they hoped the young man prevailed. Hardly a wave of “applause.”

“Football and soda, although bad for children’s health (and I personally allowed neither one), to me are different from refusing to vaccinate. Refusing a CDC- and pediatrician-recommended routine health measure that is known to prevent serious illness is different from drinking soda.”

The only reason the Academy of Pediatrics hasn’t formally recommended the elimination of tackle football is out of consideration for the cultural impact and recognition that this fundamentally eliminates football. A strictly medical view of this issue would clearly result in the recommendation that no child play tackle football.


Allowing your kid to play tackle football is more similar to the anti-vax mindset than most people would allow themselves to admit. The reality is that these are both choices made for cultural and personal reasons rather than for the health of the child.

Unless this case makes it to at least an appeals court, it is not going to matter one bit.

One does not have to violate the law to be found negligent in a tort. You can be found liable for a person’s broken leg if that person fell on your slippery floor.

@milee30 Correct. What is acceptable in the culture is very relevant. It used to be culturally acceptable for humans to urinate on the street. Now it’s not, and it’s illegal. The football thing will come around soon. I’d give it another 10-20 years. It is absolutely dangerous to play tackle football as a child AND as an adult, but at least adults can make their own decisions. Parents are responsible, but schools, coaches, and sports leagues are complicit.

@Nrdsb4 Sorry about the snarky comment. Been a very stressful weekend with elderly parents - but that’s not an excuse.

Just stating my opinion.

It used to be culturally acceptable for humans to urinate on the street. Now it’s not, and it’s illegal.


A visit to the San Francisco thread will prove this to be an incorrect assessment :slight_smile:

"What is acceptable in the culture is very relevant. It used to be culturally acceptable for humans to urinate on the street. Now it’s not, and it’s illegal. "

…unless you live in San Francisco and are a drug addict. In which case, please, get comfy! Take a dump right here if you’d like. All good. We’ll just hire a few people at a cost of $170k a year to clean up after you.

(And yes, now I’m just being obnoxious. I am fascinated with how cultural norms influence what people are outraged over or find acceptable. From public urination to vaccination to blood sport, it’s all perceived differently even if it’s the same thing.)

Edited to add - wow, that’s funny, I typed my response before seeing Dietz’. Guess SF’s poop problem is on everybody’s mind.

^^^ and shoes :slight_smile:

Nurse posts on anti-vaccine Facebook page about kid who comes in with measles…