When people say pre-med

<p>Please correct me if I’m wrong.
My co-worker tells everyone that his incoming freshman son is a pre-med major. It makes me crazy. I’ve never heard anyone say, “oh, I have a B.S. in Pre-Med”. Maybe they exist but I haven’t come across any. I understand “pre-med” is a track or study discipline NOT a major.
I asked him specifically what his major was at when he attended registration. He told me a double major in Comp. Engineering and Pre-med. Huh?</p>

<p>I don’t think pre-med is a major but it did show up as a major on D’s DegreeWorks before we had it changed. So I can see where that would be confusing to someone who doesn’t understand.</p>

<p>At nearly all schools, pre-med is NOT a major…it’s a track. I think Notre Dame and maybe another school have a pre-med major, but those are unique.</p>

<p>Even Bama can be a little confusing because when you apply and select your major, “pre-med” is in the drop down list, and it really shouldn’t be there. It has actually hurt some students since they don’t get considered for dept scholarships when they choose “pre-med” or “pre-law” as their (ha ha) “major”.</p>

<p>I can understand having a separate section in Degree Works for pre-med TRACK, so that you (and the advisor) can track progress, but it shouldn’t be listed as a major</p>

<p>A pre-med student majors in ANY subject and then completes the 8 or so “premed prereqs” that most med schools require.</p>

<p>I highly doubt that person has a double major of CompE and Premed. He likely is a single major of CompE and fulfilling the Pre-med track. There aren’t enough classes/credits to fulfill a “pre-med major”. Besides, most of the pre-med pre-reqs are already required by an engineering major.</p>

<p>Like m2ck said, pre-med is NOT a major. It’s a track, and it’s a track that most people don’t stick with past their freshman year (or sophomore if they hold out till organic chem).</p>