<p>Do you get sick of those people who act as if you have no future or you're nobody because they've never heard of your school? </p>
<p>I make it a point not to mention school to anyone because of this, but it is inevitable because that's the first question everyone asks about me.</p>
<p>I hate conversations like these:</p>
<p>Aunt: What school are you going to?
I give her the answer.
Aunt: Where? Never heard of it. Why couldn't you have went to a better school?
Then she gives condescending advice while sounding rude.</p>
<p>Secretary: What school do you go to?
I give her the answer.
Secretary: Oh. That place is just like high school.</p>
<p>Then there are those smug people who shift their eyes and barely try to cover their lack of interest.</p>
<p>I went to a school that was cheap and only fifteen minutes away for personal reasons. I'm not saying that they should pretend that I go to a brilliant school, but they should at least give respect. Even my doctor was told me, "When you're studying at a community college..." when I told him my actual college before.</p>
<p>When I'm talking about a school that people find terrible, I mean a third tier state school, not something short of HYP that only snobs find horrible.</p>
<p>You can’t “deal” with them without sounding offended or defensive.</p>
<p>I go to Middlebury, a top tier LAC and I get weird looks everytime I tell someone who isn’t knowledgeable about schools outside of the Ivies.</p>
<p>I had a friend last year who thought his school was way better than mine (he goes to UMich). I didn’t want to be a dick and break it to him that he’s simply ignorant.</p>
<p>I tell them the same thing I do about my old car: It’s paid for, and it gets me where I want to go. Going to a college for the brand is stupid. It’s like paying an extra eight bucks to get the Nike swoosh on the front of a cotton t-shirt.</p>
<p>If people look down on your school because they haven’t heard of it, make it sound like they’re ignorant, not that you’re dumb. Be like, “You haven’t heard of ____?!” and talk about all the positive aspects of your college, why you chose to go there, what you like about it. Every college has positive attributes, no matter how small or low ranked. And if they’re still rude, let them know they’re being rude. Tell them you don’t have to pay a small fortune to get a good education.</p>
<p>Oh cool tons of my friends go to Farmingdale, its like right down the block from me. Adventureland ftw! If u do well there, you’ll have oppurtunities. I also know a few kids who did real well there and eded up transferring to some pretty good school. People can be condescending just because they are simply ignorant.</p>
<p>By USNWR Rankings, they aren’t. Middlebury is #5 among the LACs, UMich is #4 among the publics. As I mentioned nothing of “prestige” in my post, usually those rankings will go hand-in-hand with prestige.</p>
<p>Well, I used to attend SUNY Plattsburgh which certainly isn’t going to win any awards for reputation anytime soon, but I honestly loved the school. I loved the people, I loved the place, I loved everything about that school - and as long as I was happy with it and the quality of education I was receiving, that’s all that matters. They don’t have to live with my decisions. </p>
<p>However, I did transfer to a more reputable college…which, ironically, is noted for their reputation but is a school that I’m growing to detest. Their curriculum is lax, there’s barely a community feel; it’s pretty much the opposite of SUNY Plattsburgh.
While I get more eyebrows raised by saying I attend said college, I’m unhappy with my choice to transfer to it.</p>
<p>Which brings me to: don’t worry about others think about where you attend - as long as you enjoy it - if they aren’t paying your tuition, you owe them no explanation.</p>
Middlebury is ranked #5 out of all the LAC’s in America. UMich is ranked #26 out of all the universities in America.
Why only measure it against public schools? It outranks most private ones.
Now, UMich definitely has programs that outrank Middlebury, and both are amazing schools in their own right, but Middlebury is ranked overall significantly higher. Not that rankings determine everything, but they’re an indicator.</p>
<p>I can’t believe your family/doctor/secretary haven’t heard of Farmingdale - it’s pretty well known on Long Island.</p>
<p>LOL! I used to go there all the time as a kid, I’m surprised I didn’t go there once as a student.</p>
<p>I’m perfectly fine with it. It was just everyone else that was the problem. I think that people don’t realize that you have to be very self-reliant in Farmingdale; things aren’t just handed to you, you have to find it yourself. The teachers are decent and some are brilliant, but you’re getting the most education by reading the textbook.
At first glance one will see the immature kids who give the school a 13th grade feel because they’re bored about it being a dry campus and no partying, but beyond that are some great things that one will miss if you overlook them.
If you’re a mature and self-reliant student who is okay with Long Island, you’ll succeed at F-dale.</p>
<p>My Aunt doesn’t live in LI. My secretary has heard of Farmingdale and went there but hated it because it reminded her of HS. I’m surprised with my doctor too, to be honest.</p>