<p>I understand class rank is vital to the candidate's overall score. How are applications handled when schools don't rank students?</p>
<p>I don’t know if I would use the word “vital”, more like a component. My son had neither rank nor GPA coming out of his high school (it was achievement/portfolio based). </p>
<p>The Naval Academy has a pretty good track record in dealing with students coming in from “unconventional educational institutions; home schooled etc. </p>
<p>The only other comment we heard was the lack of rank and GPA would likely put more emphasis on standardized test scores; SAT/ACT. In my opinion, it also requires them to look a little closer at your package…which may be a good thing in the end.</p>
<p>Ask your guidance office to supply an estimated “rank.”
Most guidance offices know exactly where you rank in class- however many opt not to make that information public. They can, however, provide that information to the Admissions office- privately. </p>
<p>not necessarily true.
Your package will be looked at closely by your RD, then briefed to the admissions board in a summarized format. Not having a class rank - while not a deal breaker- can hurt in that a higher rank can get your some extra points, while “no rank” earns nothing. NO class rank and no GPA might result in a “pass” by the board, as there is not enough information available on you to make a decision one way or another- what you may get back is a letter asking you to “submitt the required information.” SAT and ACT scores, while considered strongly, do not tell the whole story, and generally will not be considered in lieu of, or isolated from, your GPA and class rank.</p>
<p>Many schools do not rank- but the academy pushes to get that information, so explain that to your guidance department and have them submitt the info.</p>
<p>The school does provide GPA so that’s not an issue. Others from this school have gone onto USNA so I imagine that the guidance department will be able to provide an estimated rank. Thanks for the responses.</p>
<p>^^^ then if that is the case, your guidance department should already know the importance of submitting your class rank and supply it. Ask.</p>
<p>Daughter is a junior this year, so there’s time. But when the time does come we will certainly ask. thanks. :)</p>
<p>best of luck-
and congrats to your daughter for starting the process early! Just remind her that it is her Junior year grades that will be submitted before the admission board when the time comes!</p>