When should I be taking the SATs if I'm applying for Questbridge?

Hello, I’m Clasernaj and I’m a rising senior in high school. I plan on applying for Questbridge’s National Match Program but I didn’t take any SATs or ACTs last year. I plan on taking the SATs and ACTs by October at the latest. I know early decision is due before November but Questbridge applications are due on September. Would it be bad if I didn’t submit any scores or should I rush the tests in August but risk a very low test score? The scores / lack of scores might affect my chances of getting accepted as a finalist but if I was selected, I still have the option of submitting scores by November. Is anyone else going through something similar? What are my best options?

QB doesn’t require you to take tests, and most of the schools are TO. if your other areas are strong, i think you’ll be fine

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