When should we hear back?

<p>Just curious, does anyone know about when decisions are sent out?</p>

<p>Their final audition date was 3/2, so I am hoping we will hear in the next week or two.</p>

<p>I still haven’t heard anything. Have you?</p>

<p>Nothing yet</p>

<p>Noticed my D’s audition is finally posted to her application status, hopefully that means a decision will be coming soon. D really like the campus and the program vibe when she visited/auditioned.</p>

<p>Fantastic! I loved the campus and program too. I’m going to major in acting if I go there so we won’t have the same major but I’m sure we’ll have some classes together if we both get in. Hoping for the best!</p>

<p>I spoke with the admissions office today on an unrelated matter (they sent an email saying my son’s audition was missing, but it was a technical error). It sounds like decisions are being made this week.</p>

<p>Great! Thanks for the update! Did they happen to mention how they will notify students?</p>

<p>No they did not say, but I was led to believe the admissions committee is meeting tomorrow and Friday to make decisions (at least with regard to the batch my son was in!). If I recall correctly, they were going to mail letters.</p>

<p>Gahhhh I’m so anxious!</p>

<p>Any word yet?</p>

<p>Nothing yet, looks like April 1st is the day.</p>

<p>D received her BFA MT acceptance in the mail today!! So excited, it was one of her top 5 choices. Came in a large, thick envelope from admissions. So be on the lookout.</p>

<p>This is so frustrating. I am on vacation in Arizona… So I may not find out until I get home. I asked admissions if they could email me the results though. Hopefully they will tomorrow!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many Iwu accepts? Thank you :)</p>

<p>When my Daughter went there they accepted 17 with the hope they’d get 6 and 6. People drop out, occasionally transfer or change majors so the class is usually 10 by sophomore year. Sometimes the balance gets screwed up where there are too many of one sex so the next year they try and adjust for a more balanced number (i.e. 8 boys, 4 girls). </p>