I have this “friend” that copies everything -assignments, homework, and even TESTS. She would use iMessage and spam: “post the homework.” After ( if I post the homework ), she would never say thank you and then goes off. Then when we facetime, she would only say these words: “show me the homework” then she wouldn’t say any other words until she hangs up. During tests, she would either move her desk towards mine or my best friend’s ( we are both known as people who actually “study”), or spam passes notes saying: "what is the answer to number _? She would bug us, pass that note many times until we get annoyed and we would then give her the answer. If we don’t give her the answer to a question for a test, she would spread rumours about us and she wouldn’t speak to us in weeks. Well, she never studies for tests too. She would depend on me and my best friend for the answers. Well, what pisses me off the most is that if you ask her for the answers, she Would say: NOPE. Do your own work!!! She still owes me $20 and she keeps on saying: I PAY YOU BACK TOMORROW. WELL, I DON’T HOW A CHEAT, LIAR AND A FAKE CAN STILL HAVE FRIENDS.
Pretend my name is kate. If she wanted to copy off my homework she would say: Oh my little stupid nerd! Lemme copy off your homework. Kate, please!!! Or… else…
I just can not go on like for any longer guys… 
GUYS, please help that would be wonderful if you do!!!
Every suggestion will be appreciated!
Um, duh. Block her. Don’t give her your homework. Ignore her. Probably not getting that $20 back tho sorry
Or, give her fake wrong answers, that would be funny. You should probably tell your guy’s teacher tho and if she’s bullying you, definitely tell an adult. Also, keep in mind that helping someone else cheat can get you in trouble for academic dishonesty too.
Also don’t post so many times, it’s annoying.
And don’t care so much what other people think. It literally does not matter.
She’s not taking your answers. You’re giving them to her.
Grow a backbone and say “No. It’s my work.”
You’ll lose her “friendship.” But, newsflash: she’s not your friend. She’s using your brain and your hard work, and you’re letting her.
A famous quote: “No one can take advantage of you without your permission.”
@bjkmom -
As a teacher, what would you do if the OP was your student?
Actually, I think the quote goes “No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent”, Eleanor Roosevelt right?
She is NOT your friend. She is using you for homework/test help. She seems very condescending towards you and it seems like she only goes to you for academic help, and not typical ‘friend’ things, like hanging out, joking around, gossiping, etc.
Honestly don’t even care about your reputation. You are helping her cheat, which is punishable by the school. You are not receiving anything in return, and I’m sure you don’t feel good about what you’re doing and how she treats you.
Don’t be friends with her. It would be best if things end nicely. If I were you, I would not lash out at her or rant. IMO, it would be best to just tell her no if she asks for more help, and if she continues to persist, do not give in. If she asks why, cite academic dishonesty, unfair relationship, and lack of ‘friendship’ between you two.
Good luck!!