When the adcom is looking at applications...

<p>How long do the adcoms at Madison actually spend looking at EACH INDIVIDUAL application?
Do they actually take the time to look at EVERY grade so that they notice an increase/decrease in grades?</p>

<p>How "Carefully?" do they look at your app? And for how long?</p>

<p>Someone will recalculate your gpa to include only unweighted grades for academic classes; they state on the admissions site that improving grades help. I'm sure they have enough experience to notice obvious trends at a glance so the amount of time is irrelevent, they will take the time it requires to determine if you should be admitted, denied or put in the maybe pile. They won't do anything with an incomplete application so be sure you send in all the required materials. Second guessing any admissions committee will not change your record, neither will wishful thinking.</p>