When things start to get reallllly weird.

<p>I'm sure I want to transfer (International freshman applying for sophomore standing). I'm just worried about something: If one or more courses don't transfer, can I take other courses during the summer before I matriculate at the college I'm going to (Obviously, I do not know which university yet). Say, I get into a certain university and I plan to matriculate there. If some credits don't transfer, can I take extra courses during the summer before I matriculate(at my current university, of course), or would I have to make up for those in the following years (winter+summer courses)?</p>

<p>You can take courses in the summer (provided that you have not exceeded the maximum amount of credits that they accept), but the college usually has an entirely different set of guidelines for determining whether or not to accept a summer course.</p>

<p>So I shouldn’t bother taking one or two winter “just in case” courses?</p>

<p>I also want to know if colleges ask applicants for “current courses”. I’m applying for sophomore standing, so I’ll only send first semester grades. Do they also want to know what courses I’ll be taking during my second semester?</p>