<p>I am applying early decision to a school that notifies on December 15th, and if I don't get in there I will be applying to ten other schools (some with Jan. 1 deadlines). I had originally been planning on waiting to send my SAT and ACT scores until I hear back from my ED school, so that if I get in ED I won't have to waist money sending my scores everywhere else. But now I am wondering if that doesn't allow enough time for the scores to get to the schools by January 1....</p>
<p>Your scores do not have to be sent by Jan 1st… why do people all assume this. One, on your application you write your SAT/ACT scores. Secondly, the Jan 1st. postmark date is simply for your application, supplements, and essays etc. The SAT scores can be sent any time around that date. Remember, the college admission people have to process thousands and thousands of applications. How can they know exactly when your scores came in?</p>