When to transfer question (Georgetown)

<p>I am currently at a small private Catholic LAC college; I'm taking more credits [21 (6 more than average) ]and paying extra to take them; at the end of the semester I will have accumulated 45 credits. My major is International Business/Relations</p>

<p>I want to transfer to Georgetown and will hopefully have a 3.95 at the end of the semester (3.92 currently) Georgetown only accepts 60 transfer credits, my high school stats were not great relatively (1150SATs,28ACTs,taking SAT2s this month,lots of extracurricular,very good recs,essays and interview are strong points for me) I have great ECs & Volunteer work in college including volunteering internationally next few months in two countries and possibly an internship in South Africa for summer.</p>

<p>I am technically a freshman but do I stand a better chance considering I will be 15 credits above "technical sophomore standing" at the end of the semester?</p>

<p>You should try now. You have a decent shot. If you don’t get in try again next year. The more credits you accumulate the less they’ll look at your hs career.</p>

<p>this is true i am really pushing for this year for GWU or GTown but they take up to 60; if i try again next year (assuming normal course load) i will have 81 credits meaning 21 will be wasted =/</p>

<p>i had a 3.5 HS GPA also</p>

<p>GWU doesn’t look at hs or sat scores once you have 30 credits. Your pretty much a lock if you can right a decent essay.</p>

<p>Yea I think I’m going to be OK with GWU my preference is Georgetown though, i like campus alot more and the classes seem more of my style from the info sessions I’ve gone to.</p>