<p>The wait to get a decision from Bowdoin College for my Early Decision is a long wait. I believe the website says that the notification if “mid-december”.</p>
<p>Does anyone specifically know when the letters ill go out and, if I am from MA, when will I receive it?</p>
<p>crap…this kinda sucks…i think i am going to have to write my RD essays and do all of thosee applications still. I was hoping to wait and see what happens before I had to start doing them so just in the off chance i get in. i wouldnt have wasted any time</p>
<p>I hope they send them on the 12th
But since I am in Idaho it will probably take longer for my letter to get here…do most people get letters within 2/3 days of the day Bowdoin send the letters?</p>
<p>I was back there a few weeks ago and the director of admissions said December 8th to the 10th. It’s the 8th today, but given they have more applications this year, it may take them longer. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>My counselor got a call today from them about quarter grades…so unless Idaho was like the last applications i doubt they went out today…i would be willing to be that it is either thursday or friday when the send letters out</p>
<p>i’m from NY and 2 kids were notified of their acceptances on the 15th last year so my guess for this year is probably between the 15th and the 22nd.</p>
<p>a coach told my friend at bowdoin that they sent them out late last week, and they should be arriving between the 10th-12th… it makes me so anxious…</p>
<p>i wish i lived closer to Maine…i bet i am the last one to know
and i dont know if they sent them out last week because my counselor got a call yesterday at 8 in the morning about my quarter grades.
So maybe for us who are less fortunate and located on the frontier they are sending them out later</p>
<p>zfox - they all get sent out the same day (or at least that has been the practice in the past). The fact that your counselor got a call yesterday about your grades implies that they haven’t quite finished the process although they may have made their decisions and could just be crossing their t’s and jotting their i’s by checking the most recent grades . . . .</p>