When will I receive my loan

I go to UC Davis and I am trying to buy my computer before school starts . I am taking a 3000 loan and I wanted to know if and how early before school starts do they release the loans . I know that some of the money will go straight to the tuition but I will have money leftover for the computer .

Can you ask UC Davis? A federal loan might not be released until a few weeks after school starts, not before.

@Eager4acceptance i believe @Madison85 is correct i believe its 4 weeks after semester starts that any excess money is given to you. might depend between university but i think it has to do more with the fact that the schools themselves have to wait for the federal government to give them the loan.

Federal loans are disbursed 10 days before the 1st day of classes…Refund date is up to the school.

Federal loans cannot be released any earlier than 10 days prior to the start of the term, but that doesn’t mean they are always released that early. Once the loan is released, there will be a lag time for refunds … and at some schools, there cannot be a refund until 30 days after the semester has started. Check with YOUR school to find out what’s what.

Okay thank you guys. I called them today and they said 10 days before school start.