When will the servers crash?

<p>So I know the servers crash usually on the last day apps can be turned in… can I reasonably expect the system to be down all of Thanksgiving weekend? Or starting Saturday? Anyone know when the servers crashed last year? Essentially, when’s the latest I can turn my app in and be reasonably confident the servers won’t have crashed?</p>

<p>Good question. I also want to know so Bummmppp…</p>

<p>what i have heard is that it crashes when there is a an overload of applications being submitted… and thats usually on the last day around 11:00 PM (ish could be earlier)… im pretty sure hte thing doesn’t crash on thanksgiving… but you never know!</p>

<p>btw. can you please answer this question or any other person who reads this thread…
i submitted my UC app today, however, when i printed my receipt the browser crashed and by the looks of it i htink it got submitted, but i am nott 100% sure…</p>

<p>never mind… i checked my email and it says that my application has been submitted :slight_smile: should i still try and contact them to make sure?</p>

<p>Wait until tomorrow and call them.</p>