when will they stop sending me mail?

<p>when i was a young junior getting mail or an email from a college was exciting
but now, i get mail from small mcdonalds colleges constantly, and i thought once deadlines are passed they'd stop sending me stuff- now im thinking that decisions are coming out they'll stop sending me stuff
when does it end?</p>

<p>I’ve stopped getting stuff for the most part (I’m a senior). I get mail every once in a while and a couple of emails from random colleges every day, but it’s pretty much stopped.</p>

<p>The colleges that still send you mail probably have rolling admissions or later deadlines.</p>

<p>Your lucky, I’m recently started receiving all of the mail! : /</p>

<p>Yeah, it used to be every day for me basically. So much paper! Now it is only a few random ones every so often and the schools I’ve applied/have been admitted to.</p>