<p>Gosh..there taking so long...I want to know already! It's the only UC that I am waiting for...</p>
<p>they send you an email telling you your status has changed, then you click on the link they provide and it will take you to your “myadmissions” page.</p>
<p>on there it will tell you if you’ve been accepted/rejected.</p>
<p>yeah, i got mine like… last week? no letter in the mail yet though
UCI is…so weird with notifications…
good luck!</p>
<p>i want my letter in the mail…i’m so excited to see what it looks like lol</p>
<p>But…I login the UCI Myadmissions page…and it said that “they will notify their admission
decision as soon as it has been determined” What the heck does that mean? How come many applicants were notified last week and I weren’t?? =/</p>
<p>that means they haven’t decided yet…
they’re admissions process is really random, so don’t worry, besides you have until the end of the month to be notified.</p>
<p>yeah…but im really anxious…I dont know this is my last hope…I got rejected from 3 and if I get accepted to 1 I will be happy…I dont think I have a good chance though… =/</p>
<p>what schools did you apply to, Asian_girl?</p>
<p>UC Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, and Irvine.</p>
<p>Gosh i’m scared because i haven’t gotten anything
And i have a 4.0 GPA weighted with a kind of low SAT score 1670…
I’m sad.</p>
<p>Hmm, i see. Dont know if this is encouraging for you at all, but I got rejected from SD and still got into Irvine… (the others i didnt apply to)
…so dont get your hopes down! --i see you’re already looking for new schools to apply too. lol.
i understand though… must be a lot of anxiety… only time will tell!
good luck with everything, wish you the best! :)</p>
<p>^ Don’t lose hope dude!</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m in the same boat as you.</p>
<p>I have a 3.7 GPA weighted with a 29 ACT (so roughly about a 1980 SAT score?), but my SAT 2s were really weak.</p>
<p>I got into UCSB and UCSC, but rejected at UCD and UCSD.</p>
<p>it seems like a lot of people who got rejected into UCD got into UCI
(like me)</p>
<p>Yeah, i got rejected by Ucsd and a buttload of my friends are crying about it, they’re the ones with 4.4s and 2k SAT scores.</p>
<p>I just kind of wish UCI would the same thing as UCSD, have the results in one day… So i can write a dang appeal letter</p>
<p>Ah well thanks for the cheering up (:</p>
<p>i have a 4.2, 1940 SAT and havent heard from them! I checked my status online. I’m really worried because all the people that have gotten notifications have been accepted</p>
<p>UCI is so weird…I’ve already heard from both UCSB and UCSD (Accepted!) but UCI just sort of sits there. I hope this isn’t a bad sign?</p>
<p>I hope so too… Maybe they’re waiting for the really smart people to reject them so they can put in people like me in. </p>
<p>Just a possibility from a student who wants to really go there…</p>
<p>Congrats XavierTheSavior9 on UCSD and UCSB!</p>
<p>UCI is making me so nervous and frustrated haha.</p>
<p>Is the acceptance based on major? like did they release all the engineering major yet or something?</p>