When you can't make an interview..

<p>Advice or tips when you are in a situation where you can not visit a school (like say WUSTL), but want to show you are definitely interested? I do not think there is any chance of getting an interview in my area either. What are other ways to show the admissions office you are serious about attending, but just can't afford the travel until you know more?</p>


<p>Attend any local WashU presentations in your area. Also contact the admissions office, there may be some PAP members in your area who also do interviews.</p>

<p>Local presentations are great; check to see if WashU comes to your school. Also, ask the Admissions Office who you’re admissions counselor is and send him/her e-mails once in a while (don’t be annoying) and direct any questions about the school to him/her. This way, the person who is evaluating your application knows you have an interest and gets to know a little bit more about yourself through the questions you ask. (i.e. If you are really involved in community service in HS, ask your adcon about community service at WashU)</p>

<p>^ Exactly- just try to demonstrate interest, it’s extremely important to a school like WUStL that puts an extreme value on its yield (partly due to a large # of cross-applicants).</p>

<p>Wow. That was (many) really fast reply(ies)! Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>Thought: Do you think the fact I am applying to a number of (fairly time intensive) scholarships at WUSTL shows interest? Helps a little? Admissions have no idea or don’t care?</p>

<p>Yes, applying for scholarships is also a sign of interest. Good luck!</p>