When your safety becomes your dream school

<p>I would absolutely not prolong the agony for her by encouraging her to "reconsider" school A. If she has been able to develop a love for school B, hooray for her! She's got a healthy ability to control her decisions and come to terms with her reality. Don't mess with that...it's rare (as you can see from these boards).</p>

<p>Good for her!</p>

<p>undergrad, 2nd or 3rd year.</p>

<p>A similar thing happened to my son. He always really wanted to go to his school A, but they did not make it affordable for us. So, he started thinking about his school B. And after several days, he came up with alot of positives about school B that he had sort of neglected in his rather single minded quest for school A. I think everything will turn out okay for both of our kids!</p>

<p>Your daughter is amazing. The fact that she can be happy and "live with" more than one option rather than some of the "School A or Bust" mentality we sometimes see is a good thing and says wonderful things about her ability to look at the whole picture. While college is a "road" to somewhere I think the journey itself is important enough to choose a school where you feel you will be happy for many reasons, especially social ones.</p>

<p>You have all been truly helpful and I am realizing that this whole college admissions thing is as much a learning experience for me as it is for her. It sounds like I can trust her to do what is right for her - something I have probably known all along.</p>

<p>Thanks again for all the support and kind words.</p>