<p>I'm curious.
I'm angry right now, partially at my mother and partially at others. I'm in a bad mood.
What do you guys do when you are in similiar situations? Vengance sounds good to me, but probably not the best choice.</p>
<p>stop caring about everything. fight club style, let yourself go. OR do something really fun, go somewhere at an ungodly hour with some friends. OR [YouTube</a> - Justice - Stress [OFFICIAL VIDEO]](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsmzNB_eXek]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsmzNB_eXek)</p>
<p>Last time that happened to me, I took 8 aspirins thinking I’d die.
^^ Don’t do that. ;]</p>
<p>Stop whatever you’re doing, and go to sleep, if you can. When you go to sleep, you completely escape the world you live in, and can go anywhere and do anything you want. You can feel however you want, and just relax.
If you can’t go to sleep right now, find someone to talk to. Go on AIM and find a friend to talk about things with if you feel you’re starting to get depressed.
Try listening to some upbeat music, such as Hanson or Bohemian Rhapsody.
If you live somewhere where it’s warm, go out running. That produces endorphins which are opiates that make you happy.</p>
<p>BTW: Life doesn’t suck. The things that happen in life suck.</p>
<p>If you ever get depressed, feel free to send me a message. I’ve been down that road a few times and I’d be more than happy to talk.</p>
<p>Good luck! Life is short; don’t waste it being sad!</p>
<p>I watch the most vile and vengeful things i can find on the internet until my brain rots with depraved thoughts and schemes so basically I just watch a lot of PINKY AND THE BRAIN BRAIn BRAin BRain Brain brain…</p>
Listen to Nirvana.
Masturbate some more.
Go out for a long bike ride.
Dream about your dream school.</p>
<p>Rinse and repeat.</p>
<p>maybe dont sleep too much if youre stressed about getting things done though…i always sleep when im depressed or upset, except i end up using it as a way of avoiding everything and sleeping way too much (i slept 23 hours once)</p>
<p>Ya at eleven at night few of the outside ones work, since my subdivision isnt the most safe one out there. </p>
<p>Good for in the morning though.</p>
<p>also, go for a drive or ride a train or something, somewhere where you can just think things over</p>
Listen to Nirvana.
Masturbate some more.
Go out for a long bike ride.
Dream about your dream school.</p>
<p>Rinse and repeat."</p>
<p>I hope to mighty Zeus or Thor or Jesus or allah or whoever you worship that you don’t masturbate to Nirvana…</p>
<p>Sleep is the BEST thing to do when you have a lot of things to do.</p>
<p>Then you get to wait until the last minute and produce low quality work, which is still 5-7 times better than everyone else’s.</p>
<p>Hahahaha. I didn’t say do them all at the same time!</p>
<p>well the bike ride might not be a bad time to handle business, but I got a really terrible picture of some nerdy kid playing with his sausage dagger to In Bloom and then I vomited…</p>
<p>lol…wow…either way you put it, that’s…disturbing.</p>
<p>It’s your fault Obstinate for these disturbing thoughts^</p>
<p>I thought this thread was suppose to make people feel better.</p>
<p>I know I am going to sound like a terrible person, but when I get really ****ed off with everything (usually it’s my parents), I act as depressed as possible when I am around them. Sometimes, it helps solve my problem since my parents think I am truly considering bad things, but usually they are dumb enough not to get anything. Friends are often my only solace.</p>
<p>I mean, I was thinking of rubbing one off, then listening to Radio Friendly Unit Shifter or something…but that works too.</p>
<p>Hahaha it sounds like you really thought this out Obstinate. So a long bike ride, listening to Radio Friendly Unit Shifter by Nirvana is your ideal pocket pool situation? That is disturbing…</p>
<p>Music, talk to an ex girlfriend (idk y but she calms me down relle good), tear kids apart in call of duty, play soccer, sleep</p>
<p>YESSSS. EXACTLY. Who can resist the delicious feedback?</p>