Where are Admissions Teams at in the process right now?

Generally, when do you think Admissions know who they’re admitting? Mid-February? End of February? Curious as to everyone’s thoughts as we anxiously await M10!

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They’re in the midst of reading applications. Remember that they also have to distribute financial aid which adds another level of complexity.

The year my older kid applied we went to a playoff game end of February and ran into the head of admissions who said this was his first time out of his office in a week.


Some of the final decisions get made very late…during committee deliberations. This is often as late as the first week of March.

Right now they are probably still reading through the apps and making their assessments.


My kid sent a couple media links and they were mostly watched very early on, within the first week…with the exception of one school who didn’t watch them at all. I’m assuming that school either has no interest in him, or they are slowing reviewing files. I’m guessing the former, though, by how quickly the other schools watched submitted media.


We received contact this week from one school who wanted to see “where we are at in the process.” I don’t know what to make of it? I emailed them back but haven’t heard more yet. They wanted to do a call or Zoom…

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that could be interesting - they may be reaching out to ask you (subtly) if you would commit to them? you could be a very desirable candidate to many schools and they want to lock you in now (before you hear from other / better schools). I have been told by a consultant that this may happen to applicants and to ready to respond if it does


Do any of the T10 schools do this though?

We had coaches call us and ask where their school was on kid’s list but an actual admin from a top school? I’d be surprised. From local schools that makes a lot more sense.

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We have had emails and texts from
Coaches asking how we are doing in the process of narrowing down to where we think we want to go but nothing from admissions. Same for the local private school we applied to.

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I’ll admit it’s discouraging to hear of all this contact from coaches. Our daughter sent direct email to coaches and video links to her 5 schools and hasn’t received any contact whatsoever. And best we can tell from the views count on YouTube, MAYBE two of the schools have even clicked the links at this point.


I agree. Same experience. Great to hear some people are having success but I’m not sure why our link wasn’t clicked.


Did your daughter play on a good club team and won tournaments? If so, make sure you mention her achievements. It’s more likely for a coach to watch the video of someone they know will be good.

DD applied last year. Per the coach at a well known school, about 300 girls said they played vball. I don’t know how many submitted videos and how many were actually watched. But he probably only emailed no more than 10 girls for further discussion.


My daughter’s dance videos were watched early on (link in the profile section) - she further emailed dance departments and to her top 3 schools with direct links (to a different video of the same dances) - and it was watched. but beyond that no contact. We have been shut out of team sports (covid) for basically 2 yrs so no videos- nothing other than training in small pods of 5 on skills. Quite frustrating

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Thanks, that’s helpful context and perspective.

My daughter contacted the coach at this one school. The last email exchange was in January. Feb was dead silence. After M10 she reached out to him and they started emailing again.

Just want to say silence doesn’t necessarily mean no interest.

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Oh, and the one school where she got to talk to the coach as well as some team members, she was waitlisted there.

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I think some of it depends on if it’s a popularly played sport or something more rare, or something like playing the tuba or dancing ballet. Maybe tons of kids submit soccer or volleyball videos and so they are less viewed? I think it’s hard to speculate.

I feel the same way when I hear about kids getting chocolates in the mail and hand written notes, etc.!

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Last year my kiddo’s video got the most views in the last 2 weeks before M10. (It was for dance not a sport)

My other kiddo this year submitted a video that has not been viewed yet, but he only applied to one school :woman_shrugging:t3:

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which schools did you feel were the most interested in dancers? (as mine is a dancer) - and where did she end up if you are comfortable sharing?

I received an email from
Exeter regarding ‘how to access my Exeter decision on March 10’. Does it mean that the decision is already made? Isn’t it too early to receive this kind of email? I am afraid that I am in the rejection file. Is there anyone who received the same email from Exeter?

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