Where are Admissions Teams at in the process right now?

Exeter is need blind now, so in theory FA decision is independent of admission.

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Jeff Sligo has a detailed description in his book of the admissions discussions at Emory University. Emory is not a need-blind school. I would hazard a guess that the discussions are similar for high school admissions.

Are the “status locks” on your PFS unlocked or locked? I wasn’t sure what that meant, but at some point they “lock” your financial aid application.

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@maybeboardingmom @BonackerNY Is your family’s PFS locked?

I don’t know the answer but found an old thread:

We have 7 schools and all are still unlocked. Not sure if that is good, bad, or means nothing.

Is everyone contacted by the FA office for additional information? Or only those who missed out on a piece of info when they submitted their files previously?
Also, do need blind schools only look at financial aid after having a final accepted students list?

I was contacted by only 2 schools out of 7 for more info. Truthfully, these schools are the least likely to accept my son, so I don’t think it means much. One was a need blind school and they asked for the info immediately after the FA deadline. Maybe they just want to make sure they have all the info just in case they need it.


They are pretty meticulous with their processes.
However, is not getting a follow up email fo FA a bad sign? (I’m pretty sure it’s not, but the nervousness is building up, hehe)

The admissions team and readers (including some teachers) close the curtains in the old library. They have a stack of files of those still in consideration and they have info/your photo projected on a screen.

It’s like that scene in Animal House where the Delta’s are figuring out who to pick :laughing:


That sounds horrifying!


Do the admissions teams print the applications, or just read files electronically? :slightly_smiling_face:

Next up is the Thunderdome phase: 3000 applicants enter, 300 admits leave.

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During our Deerfield tour this year the student guide gushed about the quality of the Nutcracker program. Kudos!


the admissions team is gearing up for spring break which starts this weekend at most schools! wonder if they get the whole time off as i am sure they are done with decisions by early next week at the latest and then they wait for revisit/admit days which happen after the break

That is great to hear! I wish I had seen it in person. A beautifully edited version is on YouTube. I love how the kids support each other by attending concerts, plays, dance and performances as well as sporting events. My dancer daughter has watched more sports this school year than in her entire life.

I don’t think they are done until the last moment. From AOs I’ve talked to it’s a super stressful process for them too.


hi wanted to know your experience of submitting a “first choice” letter. Did any of you do that? and did you receive a reply from school?

Here’s an older thread on writing a first choice letter:


First Choice Letter

Thanks! It was a super content rich thread and I learned a lot reading it. Specifically though, I want to know if AO every replies to those first choice letters, and if they do, what do they usually say?

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Replies to ours were quite short / standardized - thank you for letting us know / glad you think of X school as a 1st/top choice …blah blah blah. Mainly its just an acknowledgment of receipt. I do wonder how they are received from applicants who arent working with any consultant as schools dont know if you send 1 first choice letters or 10. If you are working with a consultant or your school’s placement office - you really cannot write more than 1 without jeopardizing your chances