Where are all the black People at

<p>We’re thinking about tutoring kids in inner city schools, and possibly starting a buddy program. </p>

<p>When you guys tell your peers about college aspirations, do they encourage you?<br>
Today in World history we were talking college and stuff. I told my classmates that I would love to attend Princeton some day, and they gave me that “Who do you think you are?” look.
Idk, but this has been bothering me all day. :/</p>

<p>Really, Mrluggs? That’s great! I tutor low income / inner city kids in ESL and some academic subjects, and it’s definitely an eye-opening experience.</p>

<p>In regards to your question, some of my friends encourage me and some don’t. I don’t tell many people what schools I’m applying to, but I told one of my senior friends about my top school (USC) and all he said was, “Oh, you’re mixed. Duh, you’ll get in!” He’s a lovable kid, really, but that was so irritating.
And whenever I dare bring up college admissions around my close friends, they’re either speechless, roll their eyes and give me the same “Who do you think you are?” look, or say, “Oh…really? that’s…cool…I just wanna go to UT Knoxville and party lol…”</p>

<p>black person right here :smiley: lol i think its because im trying to look at the university of texas austin forum (dream college) and college life forum, nevertheless, im black and im proud</p>

<p>I haven’t said congrats to anyone other than those who posted on the school’s actual boards. So it’s not like I’m singling anyone out. I haven’t said congrats to anyone on the general discussion so I don’t see why it matters if I don’t say congrats here.</p>

<p>BTW Loveispeace I think it’s hilarious how once again you don’t respond to what I say.</p>

<p>Did you completely misread my post?
Here, I’ll post the questions again:</p>



<p>@Marine- I know exactly how you feel. Some of my friends are like “You’re black; all you need is an 1800+ and you’re in,” it’s very irritating. My best friends always encourage me, though. </p>

<p>@Orangeblood- HEY! You found us, lol.</p>


<p>This parent ( on here, probably white I think) told me about the 200 points added to your SAT score and I was ****ed. How dare s/he. </p>

<p>I do just as well and better than 99% of the white kids at my school.</p>

<p>NuclearPenguins: In short, you’re wasting your time on this board. The only threads you comment on are ones that bring up Affirmative Action or race. If you want to talk about AA, there are literally thousands of threads for you to voice your opinion on. Why don’t you start a thread about race on the Hispanic board? Oh, did you suddenly forget Hispanics receive AA too? How about white women? Even Asians in some Southern schools and LACs?
Don’t bring that ■■■■ here. Like I previously mentioned, I don’t think you understand that your presence is simply not welcomed. You don’t have to say congratulations, but you can kick rocks on your way out.</p>

<p>@Mrluggs: Well that’s good lol. What majors are you interested in pursuing?</p>

<p>@CPU: Same here :O</p>

<p>^ayee! Black person! lol. No really Its great that your here=).</p>


<p>Hmm…I never really get those looks. Maybe because my friends are encouraging. I choose carefully who I hang around. My friends, when I tell them where I want to go they usually comment on the school or something. I never really got those kinds of looks or anything. </p>

<p>Nuclear Penguins.
What do you mean “actual” boards. This board is here right? We are posting messages on it right? So this is an actual board. This is not some"Hey lets go on the AA board and argue about how unfair it is for them to get into these top schools because they don’t deserve it". Its not for cyber-bullying or harassing. </p>

<p>I’m glad your happy about me not responding. This is actually going to be the last time I entertain you, agless(or whatever the hell his name is), davidthefat, and etc with replying back to your ignorance. There is a reason why your bitter I know. Not getting accepted to the schools you want hurts. But just because you see another minority, who happens be…black maybe, doesnt mean you need to hate on them and the concept of Affirmative Action.</p>

<p>A black person doesn’t only need to get into a school because of AA. They are just intelligent, hard-working, and determined just as you were to get into that school. The only difference is one thing, they got in and you didn’t . So lets do this:</p>

<p>Absorb it. Breathe in. Breathe out…AND MOVE ON. </p>

<p>Tell me does this ring any bells?</p>

<p>“Pretty disappointed to only get in 4/9 really, especially looking at this other minority applicant at my school who got in everywhere. Crushed especially by the Pomona rejection.”</p>

<p>It hurts…but Carlton is better for you…wayyy out in Minnesota…hope you have fun=).</p>

<p>@Marine- As of right now, maybe a double major in Biochem and IR or Biochem and French. But honestly, I’m interested in so many different subjects. I just love learning xD. Hopefully I’ll work for Doctors w/o Borders or the International Medical corps someday. </p>

<p>How about we just ignore NuclearPenguins. Let’s not give him the attention he wants :P</p>

<p>@Love: Ohh well lucky you for having encouraging friends! I have a few friends who want to go to USC, but for their theater program haha. So it’s all good.
I hope I get in to USC next year and you the year after though!
I always get nervous when I see people (especially other minorities) on CC applying to USC from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee because those people are my competition! Not many people to compete with for my major, though. </p>

<p>@Mrluggs: Oh that’s cool! I want to double major in Chicano/Latino Studies and Psychology. Don’t just me :)</p>

<p>lol. And Marinebio,</p>

<p>I heard your not so much competing with your state as you are with your school. So your friends are definitely your competition. And for me, I’m really only looking at LA and SO. Cal schools cause I want to be close to home. And luckily too, most people at my school barely look at schools in California. So YAY! lol. </p>

<p>But I do get like"your crazy" stares from my friends when I say I’m going to apply to Brown or something. But most are encouraging, but nnot like" your never going to get in" its more like " Thats really hard to get into." kinds of looks. But yea, we are mostly just trying to pass our classes. Our school is just soooo hard. And its consider an “easier” boarding school, than like Exeter lol. I really can’t handle anything else lol. </p>

<p>I want to study Psych too! but i wanted to combine it with Biology, so I might do Neuroscience and a minor in business or something.(haven’t completely figured it out, but I plan on being something big like Donald Trump…soooo…I need to prepare lol)</p>

<p>Mr. Luggs. definitely,
I just had to say my last piece. (like seriously its my last. ) lol</p>

<p>Oh my gosh. I have to say this though. Going to boarding school changed my life seriously. I don’t think I would have ever been able to do any of the things or see any of the things I am now. if I had continued at my regular boarding school, I don’t even think I would honestly have a chance. Here at my new school, I am able to be apart of so many clubs and activities at my school, its crazy. </p>

Do you guys think that working on a campaign as a volunteer to help Mary Salas is good on my College Application? I mean I think it is, but if its not related to Medical school is it worth putting on there?</p>

<p>Well, 10 people from my school applied and got into USC this year haha. Usually only 2-3 people apply! It won’t be as crazy next year, hopefully. I do a lot of outside ECs that no one from my school would ever even think of doing, so I think I’ll be okay.</p>

<p>If you spent a lot of time on the campaign, then put it on your application.</p>

<p>Well, it was actually only a weekend, because my mom is like a state worker, and she wanted me to come with her…and I worked on it with her. lol</p>

<p>That’s a pretty neat major, Marine. What do you plan on doing after undergrad? </p>

<p>And Lovispeac3, my school is hard too ): . Everyone’s so cut-throat; I don’t like it. They always try to “one-up” each other. Even though we’re in Delaware, a lot of kids apply to USC! One of my friends (Class of 2010) got a full ride to USC! He was black, so his success kinda gave me hope :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m only a sophomore, but I’ve been thinking a lot about college, especially Northeastern schools! Cal has amazing weather, but it’s way too far away, lol.
And i think working on a campaign would look great on your application…</p>

<p>Thanks! I plan on going to grad school and getting a Ph.D in Urban Planning and Development + Neuroscience.</p>

<p>Mr. Luggs</p>

<p>Far away…but worth it! Trust me!! lol. I love USC! and UCLA! they are so hard to choose from=/</p>

<p>Everyone here is not really cut-throat at my school, they are just over achievers, but we all complain about the work load being ridiculous sometimes, however,its sometimes manageable. </p>

<p>Ph.D in waaT? lol. What are you tryna be MArine?</p>



<p>And also, I want to be a neuroscientist :p</p>

<p>But yes, I agree. USC and UCLA are far away, but definitely worth it. :)</p>

<p>Is it true that they’re about 200+ students per fresh/soph class at UCLA?
That’s the big thing I have against public schools :confused: .
Is USC public or private?
And don’t you get auto-admission to UCs if you’re in the top 10% of your class? </p>

<p>And that’s so cool Marine! Have you thought about interning at the city council?</p>

<p>USC is private.
No, you don’t get auto-admission… haha. Unless it’s UC Merced and Riverside, where you’re guaranteed an acceptance if you don’t get into the other UC schools.</p>

<p>But thanks! And yea, I have. I’ll probably do that either this summer (if my other internship doesn’t work out) or when I get to college. I’m focusing on things that I love which relate to my major for now :p</p>