Where are the best matches for my child? [international, 3.95, swimming athlete, environmental science]

I don’t understand that response about tips and EA from the OP. If an offer of strong support is extended for the ED1 round and accepted, any other schools that had made offers may not be interested any more. Then, depending on how many ED round commits they were able to secure, those schools may be willing to extend an offer for an ED2 or RD application if the OP’s daughter ended up in the rare situation of not being accepted at the ED school when decisions came out in early mid December.

But the only programs likely to do this are going to be weaker athletically (and probably ranked lower academically) and don’t have the draw of others.

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  • international student
  • State/Location of residency: Asia
  • Type of high school: Private
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Female-Euro-Hispanic-Asian
  • Other factors: swimming athlete (D3 swimming)

Intended Major: Environmental science

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.1
  • Class Rank: n/a
  • IB expected: 43-44 / 45
  • SAT: 1480, awaiting new result

*IB: English, Math, Physics, Biology, Econ, Chinese
*Fluent in English, French, Chinese, German

*Swim team captain, Swim coach for Low Income NGO, Sports coach for disadvantaged children NGO, Leader of Everywhere Club, Natural/Regional swim competitions, Summer Job in Food and Beveragenclude leadership, summer activities

**Essays/LORs/Others: strong

**Cost Constraints / Budget; unconstrained

**Restriction: High School limits to 9 applications + UCs

SAFE (1-2 application will be submitted):
McGill (Bieler School of Environment)
University of Toronto
Grinnell (pre-read passed)
F&M (pre read passed)

Stanford (Doerr School of Sustainability)
Cambridge (Department of Earth & Science)
Carnegie Mellon (Steinbrenner Institute)
Washington St Louis
Claremont McKenna


Good luck to your daughter in her races this summer! I hope she’s able to visit as many of the colleges on her lists as possible.

It’s great she has two pre-reads passed, have the coaches told her if she is getting support? Does she need to apply ED to one of the ‘safeties’ in order to get the support? Just generally curious about how safeties and support go hand in hand with your process thus far.

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This has been discussed before, but I’ll mention it again.

Grinnell without an offer is not a safety. Pre-read passed simply means that student will be accepted IF there is support from the coach.

But maybe there was an offer and I missed it?


@beebee3 & @TonyGrace

The college swim recruiting process is advancing across several schools. The NESCAC conference includes several schools she’s discussing with, and their 2023 pre-read will start 1 Aug. At that point, we hope D24 will receive offer of support (no formal one at present) from several schools/coaches from NESCAC and non NESCAC schools, and ultimately make her decision about applications.


Is she going to be able to visit many schools while she’s in the states? Is there any priority on visits for her?

I don’t think there are any issues with your process/how it’s developing, and I am pretty confident she will find a home.

I am only taking issue with equating passed pre-read with safety (particularly at a highly ranked low acceptance school like Grinnell).


the limitations are time, distance, coach availability, and the fact her sister also wants to visit schools along the way. she’ll be able to visit 10+ schools this summer

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