Where are we moving from and to?

Pita bread. A good Fattoush salad. Spicy ghallaba with hummus.

I’m making myself drool.


The terrific ethnic food and groceries are a big reason we like the DC area. We’re reminded of this every time we head out to visit my family. Have to bring our own ingredients for some favorite dishes.


Just joining this discussion. We are in the midst of getting ready to sell our Metro Atlanta home. It was a great home to raise kids , but way to large with for us(3K sq ft without basement, another 1.5K in basement). We always thought about moving to the Tampa area, but over Xmas we were down there , and just decided we want to do it now. DH was in between jobs , and his new job is remote. I work remotely. We want to be near water!!
we came home and told D , who had moved back home, that once she was able to find a place, we were listing the house. She was a bit upset that we are selling her childhood home and mad that I was asking her to clean up her stuff which seemed to everwhere. She moved out in the middle of March finally. My S has a job in the Pensacola area right now and lives there.
So one of the requirements I have is that we move into a neighborhood that has social activities. Also we do each know a few people who live down there aready. Its sorta sad leaving our friends, but in some ways I want to start all over. We are also joining a boat club to be on the water . my mom will be 3 1/2 hours away.

Well i am going completely nuts getting the house ready! Its supposed to list next week and the contractors are still fixing things up. I am noticing every tiny thing and finding reasons why noone will buy our home. We have the best lot of the neighborhood, and its a great home for someone with lots of kids, but knowing the “Defects” its hard to justify in head the price we will be asking which is target for this market right now.

Of course on the buying end things are not cheap, and the really good stuff goes fast. Last trip we saw about 15 houses, both new and resale. My plan now is to get a rental home to start.

decluttering 23 years of stuff. wow!!! the basement storeroom. Found my college notebooks! what really is sentamental and what is trash? is it worth it to try to sell on marketplace or just give to the thrift store. ? We have made so much progress, but still.
Oh and I am still working. my job might be at risk and there are days when I say just lay me off so I have time to move, and then I will get another job.

Cant see the other side of this yet. Oh and I need to find movers that are good, and not going to take any money I have left.


When we moved to Twin Cities a year ago we ended up about a 25 minute drive from D,SIL and GD. Now they are moving…the good news is that their new location will be only a 10-12 minute drive from us (we are in the city, they will be in a nearby close-in suburb). They are not specifically moving to be closer to us, they have outgrown their current very small house with baby and work from home. They had been eyeing this area anyway due to some public magnet school programs (yes, GD is less than a year old, but D is a planner).

It has worked out well for us. The only negatives are the long winter (this was actually longer than the usual even for here) and missing some of our friends in NoVA. We did take a 23 day trip to warmer areas in Jan-February and we plan to repeat that pattern in future winters.


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Another one new to the Twin Cities! For the past 8.5 years we have moved every couple of years for H’s job (I work remotely). This winter, currently the third snowiest on record, has been long! I’ve lived in very snowy areas before, but it was in the 90s and I was a lot younger!

Throughout my life I’ve lived in 11 states total (east, west, midwest, south, northeast) in 18 different cities. I’ve also lived overseas.

We’ve lived several nice places, and H would like to retire to NC, where he had a couple of temporary assignments. But our first grandchild is due in May in the Kansas City area, where H is from and almost all his family lives, so the current plan is to move closer to them at some point.


Thought I was pretty well settled in Nashville, but it’s my first spring and my body seems to be adjusting to new varieties of pollen. Semi-miserable and hoping I’m building some resistance here…

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I will be in the Twin Cities this summer to see the kids. Do some of y’all cc’ers want to do a meetup? :slight_smile:

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We are stuck in the greater Seattle area. :laughing: Three decades plus and counting. My husband will not move anywhere! At first, I thought we will be flying outta here like bats out of hell because filbert pollen is so bad here his previously mild allergies would kick in like crazy every spring. His regular allergy meds did not help. Then… pharma to the rescue! Husband discovered Claritin, first as a prescription drug, then approved as OTC. No more allergies misery! He even plants filberts in our backyard where we remove invasive plants! :laughing:


Unfortunately, I won’t be in the Twin Cities this summer, but I love that CC is a way to make new friends IRL. Meetups are so fun. Thanks for offering @Youdon_tsay. I’d play if I could. I hope your post gets some traction. Then come back and tell us how it went. :blush:

We should have a dedicated/pinned thread just for organizing CC meetups.


So, I posted a while back that our son was moving to Pittsburgh this summer and transferring out of Cyber to Army Futures Command at CMU. Nope. Now he’s being pulled to Ft. Meade, MD effective August (two months after the wedding) to join a special Cyber unit attached to the Pentagon. Out of the academy, his cohort was told that they would spend their entire commitments at Ft. Gordon, GA so they should go ahead and buy houses. We’ve now had enough experience with the oh-look-a-chicken-Army to never plan anything around our son. At least he and his new wife will be closer to us when we’re in Maine for the summer, but for how long we can’t know. They don’t plan to have kids but I’m sure, if they do, the Army will move them to Guam as soon as the stick turns pink.

So, should we ever move again (and I think we have one more move before we’re done), they won’t be part of that calculus. We’re starting to eye places in Atlantic coastal states, but no firm plans until our parents are gone.


Headed to Target in just a few and will pick up some Claritin on your recommendation :wink: Rifled through my “drug drawer” yesterday and I must have thrown all allergy meds away as I packed since they were probably past exp. date. Hope I have same response as your H, @BunsenBurner !

If you want to save money, the generic is Loratadine and works very well for DIL with her allergies. My doctor son suggested she try it. She’s extremely thankful.


Costco has Aller-Tec, generic for Zyrtech and AllerClear, generic for Claritin. Aller-Tec is saving me this allergy season.


@Youdon_tsay - I would love to have a Twin Cities CC meetup.


I’ll reach out again when I know when we will be there. The plan now is sometime in late July or mid-August.


I’d be up for a Twin Cities meet-up, if the dates work for me! We have summer trips planned to see our son and daughter. If I know the approximate dates ahead of time I can check my availability.


OK, I’m keeping a sticky note of names.

@ChoatieMom , the HS class of 2010 is still going strong in a private FB group. Members have vacationed together, and my ds2 has met multiple members I’ve never even met! They housed him on a cross-country trip two years ago. I attended the Zoom wedding of one of the “kids.”

Don’t worry, MN peeps. I’m not looking for that kind of commitment from y’all. :rofl:

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I might be interested in a MN meet-up! I’m not a recent transplant like some if you - I’ve lived here for 44 years, ever since I moved South (from Duluth) after college.


I might be in the minority but I was born and have lived my entire life in the same state. All of my family also still lives in my state.