Where are you going, HS Class of 2021?

For my son…

COMMITTED TO: Virginia Tech, major Computational Modeling and Data Analytics (in-state)

GPA 4.3 W, 3.9 UW
10 AP,IB, DE classes
1490 SAT

Not a lot in ECs – stage crew at school, involved at our church including guitar performance and a long- term service activity. Attended a pre-college program related to his major


UVA - declined
UDel - accepted, honors college with merit
JMU - accepted
Miami U - accepted with merit

REASON(S) FOR YOUR CHOICE: liked the campus, friendly people, excellent program for his data science interest, not too far from home and one of the cheapest options too.


S21 committed to: Rutgers (Mason Gross School of the Arts)

Major: BFA Theater, Concentration in Production - Technical Direction

Stats: 3.3 UWGPA, 25 ACT. No AP’s. All classes at his school are considered honors. Senior year done entirely at Kean University (actual college courses, not special courses for the HS kids that do their senior year there).

EC: Something for most of the productions (run crew, stage manager, lighting, sound); Varsity Ice Hockey.

Accepted: Ball State (with money), Kean, Appalachian State, U Kansas, U Kentucky, West Virginia University, University of South Florida

No rejections.

Reason for choice: Wanted to stay fairly close (we’re from NJ) due to health issues with sister. Strength of Rutgers as a school in general and of the Mason Gross School of the Arts in particular. He thought his other top choice (Ball State) was just too much “in the middle of nowhere”.


OMGosh, this is the first time I’ve seen Humboldt mentioned on this site. Husband is an alum, and S20 enrolled there last fall. It was kind of a disaster for S20 due to severe Covid restrictions, so he took a leave. He is planning to re-enroll Spring 22. How is your son liking it now?