Where are you in your PHysics C ?

<p>I'm doing it for my senior project as self study but am clueless as to where I stand in terms of the topics I've done...</p>

<p>I really only care about those who are doing BOTH C portions in this one year. E&M / Mechanics. That is what topics have you covered so far. Hopefully I am not too far behind but I am not sure how fast I should be going. </p>

<p>I've done
vectors, all translational kinematics / projectile motion, Forces, centripetal motion, energy, momentum, center of mass, </p>

<p>and am now on torque, rotational inertia, and angular kinematics.</p>

<p>All I have left for mechanics is Gravitity Law / Kepler and oscillations of springs, pendulums, and angular momentum / rolling motion (3 chapters.)</p>

<p>Please give feedback - too slow, too fast, just right? 1 chapter about each week, 25 - 40 probs / chapter.</p>

<p>just finhsiing center of mass and momentum and collisions and impulse styuff</p>

<p>Did vectors, dot products, cross products, kinematics, newton’s laws, friction, projectiles, centripetal, kinetic/gravitational potential/elastic energy/work.</p>

<p>Anyone further ahead?</p>

<p>I’m about where you are; I think this is about the right place. My teacher says that to be on schedule E&M should be started by about Christmas.</p>

<p>Same here, we’re on Rotation too.</p>

<p>Just finished momentum, torque, angular kinematics, center of mass, etc.</p>

<p>Awesome - then I am in good shape. I plan to finish Mechanics by December 1st, review and take practice exams for two weeks. Angular Momentum has given me a bit of trouble because I suck at the right hand rule, but Kepler and Oscillations will be no problem.</p>

<p>I do have a question: Is “equilibrium” on the exam? For example is center of GRAVITY on the exam. I am planning on skipping that entire chapter, concerning the requirements of equilibrium and center of gravity unless they are indeed on the exam.</p>

<p>I have a question: since my class is not an AP class, it’s a college class, do I have to know to how solve certain problems using calculus? If so, which ones? Also, since there can be different ways to do some problems, will I get marked off if I use the wrong method but get the correct answer for Free Response? Thanks!</p>

<p>We’re just about where you are. Finished Angular Kinematics, working on Angular Momentum.</p>

<p>-You do not need to use a precise step-by-step process to solve a problem.
-Some problems do require calculus methods to solve. For example, when you are given a function F(x) for force, you must integrate it to find the work done .</p>

<p>we’re doing capacitance, resistance, and just finished electric potential</p>

<p>You are moving real fast!</p>

<p>When does you all expect to finish MECHANICS - all mechanics?
Are you planning on reviewing mechanics before moving on to E&M?</p>

<p>I plann(ed) to finish mechanics 11/24 and review for 3 weeks. Then commence E&M, finishing that 4/1 and reviewing that month. Does that sound good. I am actually about a week behind now, because I decided to take a week off to avoid overload</p>

<p>We are going to finish Mechanics by 2nd week of January, and do E/M until May</p>

<p>My class is going to finish mechanics by December 12th and finish E/M in early to mid April. I think you’re right on track because we just finished torque and rotational inertia and are now on rolling and angular momentum.</p>

<p>We’re not moving fast at all. It’s just that we’re doing E&M before Mechanics, I think.</p>

<p>Still working :confused: Keep switching teachers though.</p>

<p>On my last chapter for Mechanics…and then a 2 week break!! All I’m doing is two practice exams during that time for Mechanics</p>

<p>Yay we’re at angular rotation stuff now, with inertia, torque, and all that.</p>