<p>title says it all. </p>
<p>if you have the zumdahl book, what chapter are u on??</p>
<p>title says it all. </p>
<p>if you have the zumdahl book, what chapter are u on??</p>
<p>I am on buffer systems. Chapter 15-16 on a different book.</p>
<p>We’re doing the Electronic Structure of Atoms. It’s chapter 6 in the textbook by Brown/Lemay, Chemistry the Central Science.</p>
<p>chapter 9 and 10 in the zumdahl book…</p>
<p>Chapter 12, Zumdahl</p>
<p>We’re starting chapter 8 (chemical bonding) on Monday.
Brown, LeMay, Bursten.</p>
<p>Damn, you guys are going fast. My AP Chemistry teacher said that we were ahead of where last years class was, but you guys are speeding through.</p>
<p>I don’t have the same book, but we’re on thermodynamics - Chapter 6. There are only 20 chapters in our textbook.</p>
<p>Chapter 5 Zumdahl >< I blame the students for slowing down the teacher.</p>
<p>Chapter 6 Zumdahl
The pace seems to be speeding up exponentially though</p>
<p>we have brown/lemay as well</p>
<p>WE dont really use the textbook much though…we’re almost done with thermodynamics–test next week. Not sure what we’re doing next…(already covered rate law, stoichiometry, gas law)</p>
<p>we finished ch.6 thermodynamics, so now we’re doing ch. 16 thermodynamics before we move on w/ the other stuff.</p>
<p>we’re on chapter 8 of brown/lemay. Just starting the lewis dot structures.</p>
<p>We are on Chapter 7 in Zumdahl</p>
<p>We have the Zumdahl book but we don’t ever use it. Were working on pH and buffers</p>
<p>acids and bases</p>
<p>we have only done ‘the basics’ and stochiometry so far</p>
<p>hahaha this is horrible we’re so behind!
we’re barely in the middle of Chapter 4 (in Zumhdal) which is stoich, molarity, and a lil bit of precipatation reactions , and i think a touch on redox lol
sooooo behind compared to all of you!
are we gonna finish??