Where can I get my hands on a BUNCH of old WHAP tests?

<p>Hi, after doing a bit of research (AKA posting threads on CC) and asking my friends, I have decided that the best way to prepare for WHAP is to take a bunch of old exams. Apparently some of my friends said to and I quote "just take like 8 practice exams and you'll do fine, that's what I did and I got a 5". So therefore, are there any sites or books that have just nothing but WHAP practice tests (from the actual AP exam?)</p>

<p>World history is really new. There probably aren’t many old tests that the College Board released. If you want one legally, you can buy it through the College Board, but your teacher probably has a few too.</p>

<p>Yea…I don’t think WHAP is that old to have 8 practice exams? o= </p>

<p>But I am deciding to pay a whopping $25 …? for a practice exam rawr. </p>

<p>college board has all the FRQs. </p>

<p>and I heard PR has good MCs. Therefore it should be covered. :)</p>

<p>Wait where can you get the old practice exams if I am reading your post correctly?</p>

<p>you can get previous “Section II” part of the exams (so everything excluding the MCs) [url=<a href=“http://apsat.blogspot.com%5Dhere%5B/url”>http://apsat.blogspot.com]here[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Oh thank you! But I’m actually really worried about the multiple choice, do you know where I can get copies of the MC section?</p>

<p>I think those you might have to purchase…O=</p>

<p>or you could trade for them</p>