Where did I go wrong?

<p>I've made up my mind, I think I'm going to Riverside and try to pursue the Thomas Haider UCr/UCLA program.</p>

<p>Many Thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>Good luck! College is what you make it! But, if you have any doubts, send in an appeal and see what happens. BTW, where you went wrong was being born the year you were born and in applying to state schools during the biggest economic crisis in 50 years! The demographic bulge of kids your age applying to college in combination with CA's budget woes has made acceptances very hard to get this year. In other words, you did everything mostly right. Your rejections are less a comment on you than a comment on the times.</p>

<p>just go to a JC and transfer to ucla. its a lot easier</p>

<p>The Haider program is great. Just make sure you achieve and keep a high GPA throughout...</p>

<p>a 2310? WOW bro ^^</p>

<p>Honestly, if the appeal doesn't come through. Consider either a CC transfer in two years or a UC transfer from Riverside. Just be sure you maintain a high gpa throughout those two years.</p>

<p>"the biggest economic crisis in 50 years"</p>


<p>Haha i feel you Papanda_Bear
i also got rejected from

<p>with 3.8weighted
SAT: 2040
SAT2: math 750 korean 800
AP classes: US history, Euro history, AP language, IB Physics, AP Literature, AP Comp Sci, AP Calc BC, AG Gov,</p>

<p>bunch of extracurriculars</p>

<p>yea those ap classes feel like a waste know lol</p>

<p>and i also chose to go to UCR so see you there</p>

<p>Hey, those aps still count as college courses (if you scored high enough).</p>

<p>I'm sure you'll do great at Riverside.</p>

<p>If it makes you feel better, I had the same GPA and a higher SAT score by 200 points, but was rejected by every mid-tier UC.</p>

<p>O______<em>__O Im so scared now. Your stats were pretty good and yet… I’m so sorry that had to happen to you D-: But good luck @ UCR!!! && Yeah, budget cuts can go die ;</em>_;</p>

<p>I hope Class of 2010 (my year) will be a little better oh please T__T</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure class of 2010 is only going to be worse…</p>

<p>…and although it’s been answered by many already…I’d just like to add that the only UCs that REALLY care about “stellar ECs” are UCLA and UC Berkeley. Some of the others don’t even consider them as a factor unless they include community service or leadership positions. </p>

<p>Honestly, college admissions at the UC level are mostly based upon GPA and test scores. Your SAT score and GPA are right at the level of other UCR students…</p>

<p>Not exactly true Skad. My girlfriend got rejected from UCD initiall, a school that would have been an easy match for her. Clarifying an EC or two of hers in her appeal granted her admission. </p>

<p>Yeah, LA and Cal care about ECs more, but sometimes good grades and test scores are not enough.</p>

<p>UC Riverside is an excellent school!</p>

<p>its better than santa cruz. they have a stellar engineering program and have lots of resources. </p>

<p>but maybe it was your 3.3 gpa.</p>

<p>update: I’ve decided to go to JC for two years and transfer to either Irvine or SB.</p>

<p>You should try for Berkeley and/or UCLA after two years.</p>

<p>the only problem with the JC is that they may not offer the classes your need for your major, and the classes you need for your major varies from school to school. </p>

<pre><code> - source: experience

<p>eeeh I though UCI cared about ECs too :-(</p>