Where do I belong/could get into? Thanks!

<p>Hey I know it's a little late for this but can you guys just tell me which colleges I should be looking at? I want to know because I don't want to undershoot or overshoot anything, and if I ask you without telling you where I actually am applying then you all will be honest and be more accurate as to where I belong/can get in. Any comments would be appreciated. Are there any Ivy's I could get into? Any other top tier schools? Thanks again guys!</p>

<p>Note: my class rank is 9/232 and not higher because I took two high school courses in 8th grade and they counted (I got B's) and thus lowered my rank but since then I have gotten all A's for 9-12th grade, save for one B freshman year. I heard that college's don't pay attention to 8th grade grades..</p>

<p>GPA: 3.97 unweighted<br>
Class Rank: 9/232<br>
SAT Scores: 670 CR 780 M 800 W 2250 total<br>
ACT Scores: 34 E 35 M 29 R 33 S 33 C
AP Scores: (Eng. Lang. 4), (U.S. History) 4)


<p>9th grade:
4/6 honors, 2/6 normal
all A's but one B</p>

<p>10th grade:
2.5/6 Honors, 2/6 Scholars (harder than honors "pre-AP"), 1.5/6 normal
all A's</p>

<p>11th grade:
2/6 AP, 3/6 Honors, 1/6 Normal
All A's</p>

<p>12th grade:<br>
AP Chemistry (S 1/2)<br>
Digital Photo (S 1)<br>
AP Calculus BC (S 1/2)<br>
Psychology (S 1)
AP English Literature (S 1/2)
Art 1 (S 1)
AP U.S. Government (S 2)
Health (S 2)
History of Vietnam (S 2)</p>

<p>Extra Stuff:</p>

<p>National Honor Society (11, 12)
Academic Award, Photography- 9
Academic Award, Math-10
Student Athlete Award-10
Academic Award, A.P. U.S. History-11
Academic Award, Spanish 4 Honors-11</p>

<p>National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine Alumni-11 (60hrs/wk: 10dys/yr)</p>

<p>Varsity Track and Field- 9
Junior Varsity Football- 10</p>

<p>NHS Tutor-12 (2hrs/wk: 10wks/yr)
School Spirit Club (go to all games and cheer on school)
-12, 11 (2hrs/wk: 10wks/yr)
Community Service-12,11,10,9 80 total hours</p>

<p>Worked for Small Computer Building/Repair/Website Design Company</p>

<p>That's about all.</p>

<p>oh yeah…my courseload is one of the most rigorous my school offers</p>

<p>oh and it should be noted that the only courses that I took that were normal level were REQUIRED; all other courses are honors</p>

<p>your ACT score is amazing! (sorry, your SAT score probably is too, but I only know how to interpret ACT scores)</p>

<p>I think you’ve got a good shot at so many places.</p>

<p>Apply to all the Ivys!</p>

<p>What about Cornell? Dartmouth?</p>

<p>Thanks! A lot of people on this website have those scores or better though lol.<br>
I am thinking about those places but am not sure if I can get in haha. Anyone else care to comment? I asked the question because I honestly don’t know.</p>