Where do I go from here?

So, I’m a rising junior in uni and I’m on my second journalism internship (my first paid one).
I’m a staff writer at my campus paper and was being considered for the assistant news editor position, but I’m a little busy with this internship instead.
In my free time I’ve published some op-eds and creative essays. I’ve even been compensated for a couple of them!
Next semester I’m going to be a writing tutor and a writing fellow at my uni.
According to my journo mentor I’m a shoo-in for my school’s journalism award this year with this story I’ve been working on. (We don’t have a very great journalism program, honestly.)
Um, I think that’s it. I still have these two years left and I don’t know what to do with them since I got this internship earlier than I thought. Should I just freelance my senior year? Go to grad school? The news editor at our paper interned at the Washington Post last year; should I start looking into DC internships?
I currently live and study in Baltimore (and it’s been in the news a LOT lately; makes for some great clippings) and I’ve been dying to relocate to New York for work. Maybe I could move there for the summer and intern at a small paper there? I really don’t know. I don’t really want to work at the Baltimore Sun, which is the best Baltimore’s got to offer at the moment.
Ideas? Where do I go? What do I do? HELP!

Personally I would keep doing internships. The more internships the more you learn and you gain experience which employers will like. Also entry level jobs are rare and since you’ve had experience they’d be easier to get.