<p>Where did you apply?
Were you accepted?
Where will you be attending?</p>
<p>Here I go:</p>
<p>Univeristy of Chicago (EA) -accepted
Lawrence University (EA) -accepted
St. Olaf College (EA) -accpeted</p>
<p>And, of course, I will be attending Chicago. I applied to the other two schools only upon my parents' request; but I think that, if I had not been accepted to Chicago, I would have waited a year and applied again.</p>
<p>No, I didn't apply to HYP or the like. I have never visited the schools. But, living in Hyde Park, I know the U. of C., the kind of education I will receive here, and many current and former students. For me, it was Chicago or nothing.</p>
<p>and the rest are pending:
berkeley, rice, carnegie mellon
and 3 impossible schools that i will never like really NEVER get into unless there was a mistake -_-</p>
<p>but uchicago is my #1 TOP choice right now
but im kind of scared to really commit to that
because if i get rejected
then i'll be really really really depressed like i was with stanford although i knew the rejection was coming even before i applied to it SCEA -_-</p>
<p>University of Iowa (Accepted into Honors)
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities (Accepted into Honors)
University of Michigan: Ann Arbor (Accepted)
University of California: Los Angeles (Accepted)
University of California: Davis (Accepted)
University of California: Santa Cruz (Accepted)
University of California: San Diego (Accepted)</p>
<p>WAITING ON:</p>
<p>University of Chicago
University of California: Berkeley</p>
Loyola (Chicago) <--scholarship
UT Austin
U New Mexico
Macalester <--scholarship</p>
<p>I don't know where I'm going, but if UChicago gives me a scholarship (only one of the full-tuition ones, unfortunately for me) I'll be going there. If they don't, I'm going to UT Austin because my parents are ridiculous :D</p>
<p>Johns Hopkins
Washington U in St. Louis
Boston College
U of Chicago </p>
<p>Planning on majoring in Poli-Sci...... excluding Princeton, I think Chicago and Penn are my top two (although I most likely will be rejected at the latter).</p>
<p>The Good (Accepted):
Boston College
Tulane University
Case Western University</p>
<p>The Bad (Deferred):
University of Pennsylvania (<<<though not so bad, because I came to my senses and hugged UChicago)</p>
<p>The Ugly (THE LONG WAIT):
University of Chicago
Vanderbilt University
University of Michigan
Tufts University
Cornell University</p>
<p>Top Choices:
Vandy...only one of the likely b/c close (relatively) to home and my dad's freaked out about the safety in Philly and Chicago</p>
<p>Oh good! Someone else who's still waiting on Michigan! I applied more than a month after the suggested Halloween deadline...pretty bad for out-of-state.</p>
<p>Look at the history of the schools and their origins. Also, you can easily search for info on teh web about their programs. </p>
<p>Princeton- Excellent in pretty much everything.
Johns Hopkins - sciences are excellent. I hear their international business program is good as well. Due to its proximity to D.C., I'm pretty sure poly sci is pretty strong. However, Hopkins seems to be more for those pre-professionals rather than pure academics.
UVA - Come on man, it was founded by Thomas Jefferson wasn't it? It's excellent for poly sci, history, and philosophy
Northwestern - more like Hopkins, just more so pre-professional, I'm sure it's programs are good, but definitely not tops.
Washington U in St. Louis - I hate this place with a passion, they play the admissions game like no other. They inflate their USNWR rankings and are generally pre-pro as well. I think of the people who go there as mostly Ivy rejects and who go there just because it is ranked high.
Boston College - Excellent for poly sci
UPenn - it's an Ivy, I'm sure it's good. BUt Wharton is what you should go there for, business
U of Chicago - Academically is on par with Princeton for good all-around programs. I think it's poly sci might not be as good as Princeton or even UVa, but you'll be assured of getting top notch professors if you do go here rather than TAs at any of the other schools.</p>