<p>you have similar stat with me:
Location: Gig Harbor, Washington.
Email: <a href="mailto:nckzhao@yahoo.com">nckzhao@yahoo.com</a>
Princeton deferred ED
Accepted: CMU, UCLA, Bowdoin, UCSD, University of Washington.
Waiting: Boston College, Harvard, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton (of course), Cornell, Northwestern, and more...</p>
<p>-Applied: University of Chicago, Brandeis University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Tulsa, Swarthmore College, Wellesley College, George Washington University</p>
<p>-Accepted: University of Chicago, Brandeis University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Tulsa, Wellesley College</p>
<p>-Pending: George Washington University and Swarthmore College (nervous about the latter)</p>
<p>Currently I'm at a three-way tie between UChicago ($$$), Wellesley ($$$), and Brandeis ($).</p>
<p>I only applied to Penn (ED) and Chicago (EA) and got into both, but Penn was binding ED so im going there. But i will always have a special place for chicago in my heart. I love it there, i hope you guys decide to go cause its awesome.</p>
<p>Schools I wish I considered more seriously (some were never considerations, because my parents forbade me from schools in California):
UC Berkeley
Bryn Mawr