Where else to apply?

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore in college. I am planning to apply to UW-Madison's nursing program which I can complete in my junior and senior year. By the end of this semester, I will have psychology, developmental psych, sociology, gen chem, and bio completed. I plan to take anat, phys, and microbio- but I won't have these courses done until next semester.</p>

<p>My question is: Where else could I apply that will allow me to graduate on time, and will accept my application with so many of the prerequisites still in progress? It will have to have a two year nursing major. </p>

<p>I would prefer to stay in the Midwest but would be willing to go to a school elsewhere if I had a shot at scholarships. My GPA and other stats are relatively high.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your feedback! With so many nursing programs, it is difficult to research each one's prereqs and timeframes individually. =)</p>

<p>Most merit aid that is offered by private colleges goes to incoming freshman. You might want to look at some private colleges that are better at need-based aid. The percentage of financial need that is met on the average by each college can be found online, such as at collegeboard.org . </p>

<p>Take a look and see if there are any states that participate in a consortium with your home state to offer reduced tuition at public universities to residents of neighboring states. I believe that is the case with some midwestern states.</p>

<p>In most other cases, most public universities do not offer much need-based aid to out of state students.</p>