Where have you been accepted/rejected/waiting to hear from?

<p>Why not report out of state schools, especially for those where those acceptances represent a real choice between a private or OOS vs. a UC?</p>

<p>Accepted: Davis, San Diego (Winter Quarter)
Rejected: None yet, but probably LA and Berkeley
Waiting: Irvine, LA and Berkeley and a bunch of privates I either have no chance of getting into or backups I don't want to go to anyway if I get in</p>

Rejected: UCD, UCSB
Will attend: CP SLO</p>

<p>Accepted: UCSB
Rejected: UC Davis
Waiting: Cal & LA</p>

<p>accepted: ucsb, ucsc
rejected: ucsd
waiting on: berkeley, ucla, irvine</p>

<p>maximum stress levels! especially for irvine because i expected to get in!!!</p>

<p>Accepted: UCSB, UCSD (Warren), UCI, UCR, UCD, UCSC
Rejected: None
Waiting: Cal/LA ofc</p>

<p>I think I applied to too many safeties :/</p>

<p>Accepted: SFSU, Cal State Long Beach, Cal Poly-SLO, UCSC, UCSD, UCSC
Denied: 0 so far
Waiting: UCB and Stanford</p>

<p>Accepted: CSUC, SDSU, UCSB, UCSD (Revelle)
Rejected: None
Waiting: Berkeley and CSUSM</p>

<p>Yeah I forgot to mention that at UCSD I got into Muir college.</p>

<p>Accepted: UCD, USF, UCSC
Rejected: UCSD
Waiting: LA, Berkeley, USC, SCU</p>