Where in the Common App would I put "starting a business"

<p>I co-founded a production company but I don't know where to put in on my Common App. I didn't think it would go under activities because it's not really an activity, it's a business.</p>

<p>I'm applying to USC SCA for film/tv production. Would I put it in my creative portfolio?</p>

<p>You can go ahead and put it under activities. I’m also applying to film/tv production programs and I included “Freelance Videographer” under activities. Activities is for anything you do outside of class.</p>

<p>Okay cool, thanks!</p>

<p>If you cannot find any place to fit it, you can always put it in “Additional Information” after the essay.</p>

<p>Okay, I’ll do that. Didn’t see that before.</p>