Where is everyone in their AP classes?

<p>This is just in general, I will start off.</p>

<p>AP Euro - Starting the british industrial revolution, reunification of germany.</p>

<p>AP Physics B - Started Electrics, like circuits, resistors, yadda yadda</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC - Almost done chapter 7 in our book. Partial fraction integration, trigonometric substitution, Le Hopitals rule. Basically the chapter before the one with all the series stuff.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry: Up to Gas Laws, which is Chapter 10 in Brown/Lemay. However, we have done Chapter 21, Nuclear Chemistry, and Chapter 11, Intermolecular Forces. So in total, 12 chapters out of 19 that we cover.</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB - U-substitution and integration
AP Statistics - Confidence Intervals, Z* & t…
AP Government - Chapter 6 & 7 Public Opinion and polls
AP Biology - Chapter 26-28 Protists?</p>

<p>APUSH - Civil War
Don’t laugh.

<p>AP Spanish Literature- 20th century poetry
AP Calculus- integration and differential equations
AP Comparative Politics- China and the Mao years</p>

<p>APUSH -1910s
AP Cal AB - integration by substitution
AP Eng Lit - The Grapes of Wrath</p>

<p>AP US Gov: The Media (Ch.12 in Wilson/Dilulio 10th Edition)
AP Lit. and Comp.: Working on timed essays (Which I am bomb at), Reading Paradise Lost (for open essay), about to begin Hamlet next week (also for open)</p>

<p>APUSH - Progressive Era (1920s)
AP Lang + Comp - Research Paper, then Macbeth
AP Psych - Chapter 12: Motivation</p>

<p>AP Calc AB- Finished volume revolutions and going into the mean value therom of an intergral.
AP Biology-Sexual selection.</p>



<p>No comment</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC Integration (I’m behind, it’s an online course)
AP Physics B Thermodynamics and Coulomb’s law
AP Spanish Language: Um… Spanish :)</p>

<p>T.T …were only in Work/Energy in Physics B</p>

<p>What “no comment”? Lol.</p>

<p>Is it because of the Le? If so, then L’H</p>

<p>AP Bio - animals
AP Calc AB - integration by parts
AP Macro - aggregate supply/demand
AP Psych - thinking/language
AP Lit - just started the importance of being earnest</p>

<p>AP US History: next lesson is WWI</p>

<p>AP Biology: The human Genome.</p>

<p>AP English Language and Composition: uh, I don’t think there’s a set schedule</p>

<p>AP Spanish: No set schedule once again</p>

<p>APUSH: Colonial Period. lol.</p>

<p>Calc BC- Improper Intergration
Bio- Genetics
En. Sci.- No clue
English lit- No clue</p>

<p>ap stats: confidence interval
ap government comparative: mexico!
ap comp sci: halo, mixed in with a bit of addictinggames.com :)</p>

<p>APUSH: Macon’s Bill, James Monroe, Era of Good Feelings, basically early 1800’s…
we’re waaaayyy behind</p>

<p>APUS: The Frontier West. (from CH.26 on the American Pageant Book)</p>

<p>Flare and bmsa: You guys are HELLA far behind, but Flare obviously more so. Are you two going to be doing any outside studying?</p>