<p>I assume at fsu with kids. but, gosh i have come to look forward to his daily postings. hopefully he will have some good info for us when he returns!</p>
<p>Yep. Mrs. P2N and I had to take D2 back to FSU for Fall semester. </p>
<p>Surprisingly, the weather was typically warm, but not too hot. The university had SnoCone stations all over the place for students and parents. This was a nice touch.</p>
<p>Lots of staff and FSU PD personnel prevented too much parental "clumping" in the critical move-in zones. ;)</p>
<p>My son is moving himself into Heritage Grove tomorrow. He might not have electricity since he did not get with his roommate to get it established during business hours last week but I think it is a good life lesson for him to figure logistics out for himself. I am trying to back off a little more this year from my helicopter ways.</p>
<p>Maybe all of us CC "helicopter" parents of FSU students should set up a tent on campus with appropriate libations and food whilst our offspring deal with life and dorm rooms? :)</p>
<p>That would be fun!! We can chant "I told you so" while they sweat in the dark un-A/C apartment.</p>
<p>It just kills me because he is not thinking through what extra stuff he will need for an apartment that he takes for granted. I guess he will just eat with his hands and use leaves for TP in the bathroom. He says he will shop at the Publix across the street when he gets there. I think he is going to just throw a bunch of clothes in the backseat of his car and go.</p>
<p>Aaargh. I know the feeling. :eek:</p>
<p>It seems like whenever we go all I do is hand out $$, fix things, clean stuff and haul belongings - usually up and down stairs...</p>