<p>I was passing my time looking at rankings at usnews but what struck me was that, i didnt find any UC univ in the top electrical engg programs how can this be so??
Undergraduate</a> engineering specialties: Electrical / Electronic / Communications Rank - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report</p>
<p>there are a lot more schools besides the UC’s out there…</p>
<p>thats what i am saying.I thought UCLA or berkley was higher in ranking than these univs atleast some of them</p>
<p>Remember, ranking isn’t a conclusive measure to determine if a university is “better” or “worse” compared to another university. Also, different places will rank schools differently based on the scale they are using.</p>
<p>For undergraduate programs this makes sense. </p>
<p>UCs focus on graduate programs and are top in the graduate fields, one of the reasons the undergraduate programs are solid is because of the graduate programs associated with them</p>
<p>However, i would say that purely on an undergraduate level I can understand why they are not listed for without their graduate counterpart they are not exceptional programs.</p>
<p>That is a list for colleges whose highest degree offered is a bachelor’s. All UCs offer graduate programs.</p>
<p>Here you go:
[Undergraduate</a> engineering specialties: Electrical / Electronic / Communications Rank - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college/spec-doct-electrical]Undergraduate”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/college/spec-doct-electrical)</p>
<p>And just because a college doesn’t offer a graduate program doesn’t make it any less worthy an undergraduate program. USNews just sorts their lists this way.</p>
<p>the ranking you provided is the ranking within univ. where the “highest degree” possible is undergraduate!!! Look at the right system most people care about…</p>
<p>oh thanks … jeez now i get it lol</p>