Where on MyBama is the Scholarship Offer and Expected Costs

<p>Back in October my S received the letter awarding him a Presidential Scholarship and a Engineering Leadership Scholarship. Recently I checked his MyBama but could not find the scholarship offer. Does anyone know if MyBama has a link to the scholarship offer? </p>

<p>I must admit, that since my S is still undecided, I have just put aside most of the mailers from Bama. Has anyone done the math on cost of attending with the Presidential Scholarship? From my research it seems that it would be as follows</p>

<p>fees $365
dining account $330
meal plan $2,700
residence hall $8,100 Total of $11465 - $2500 for engineering scholarship.</p>

<p>Of course there will also be travel and incidentals. Anything that I am not considering?</p>

<p>Thanks to all!</p>

<p>The actual scholarship awards are made in the spring and your son will receive notification of a date to respond to accept the scholarship package. The scholarship will show up at that time. Be aware, there is a window in which you must reply on MYBAMA. The letter he received early was to let him know he qualified for the scholarship. The cost of attendance is broken down on the UA website.</p>

<p>Books too…</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Dining Dollars are 300 per semester…but if you don’t spend them, you can either get a refund at the end of the year, or have the money put into Bama Cash.</p>

<p>Course fees are per semester also…and they aren’t a set price like $365…roughly 250-350 per semester depending on course selection. Stem majors (like eng’g) tend to be on that higher side because of the numerous labs…(course fees are lab fees, tech fees, art fees, etc.)</p>

<p>Meal plan is really that high frosh year…after Frosh year, most people either don’t select a meal plan or select a much cheaper plan. </p>

<p>Books per semester can vary depending on course selection and whether you buy online, buy used, or (expensive) by new at the campus bookstore </p>

<p>It’s safe to guestimate that costs will be about $10k for the first year, and maybe a bit less for later years because of a downgrade of meal plan.</p>

<p>Also, if your son decides not to continue in honors housing for later years, you can save some money there. </p>

<p>If you’re comparing housing costs with another univ, be sure to compare apples with apples. If the other school’s costs are for “standard doubles,” be aware that Bama has those as well for about 5,100 per year…much cheaper than the honors super suites which are about $3k per year more.</p>

<p>Same with meal plan comparisons…Bama’s frosh plan has a LOT of meals on it (too many actually, many kids do not use all of their meals on their frosh plan). </p>

<p>And…as said above…your child hasn’t yet formally accepted those scholarship offers, so they won’t show up yet.</p>

<p>Cost of attendance is padded with “personal expenses,” etc…which will vary by child. Some kids burn money in their pockets…some can spend very little on a day to day basis.</p>

<p>my rough guess is about 10K per year with the pres. and engineering scholarships. this can vary some due to dorm, meal plan, books, fees, etc, but it is pretty good estimate.</p>

<p>the easiest way to cut costs is to choose a cheaper dorm. if you can cut 3k off your housing bill, that saves about a third!</p>

<p>Yes to Mike…and many find that if they have kids pay for their own books then they do a better job at finding used ones or trading with pals.</p>

<p>Congratulation to your son on his scholarships and welcome!</p>

<p>You will be responsible for:
a meal plan (silver plan for first year students)
$300 Dining Dollars (each semester)
Bama Cash (money for laundry/etc.)
Course Fees (depends on which classes)
Books (costs depend on where purchased)
Transportation (airline fees/shuttle, depends on where you live)
Moving/decorating (shipping items/driving depends on location)
Spending Money (grocery shopping/personal items/discretionary)
Clothing/supplies (School supplies/clothing -depends on individual)</p>

<p>This is what UA lists:

<p>The table below shows in-state and out-of-state tuition and fees for the 2010-2011 academic year:</p>

<p>In-State Description Out-of-State
$8600 Tuition and Fees $21200
$10206 Room and Board $10206
$1100 Books $1100
$1075 Transportation $1525
$1400 Miscellaneous $2226
$22381 TOTAL $36257</p>

<p>Okay, not to scare anyone with the costs: There are ways to economize. </p>

<p>Rooms: are significantly less expensive if you do not take a “super” suite. *** Note of Caution*** If you do not pick Honors Housing for freshman year, you can never live in Honors Housing for subsequent years.</p>

<p>Meal plans: Costs will go down significantly after the first year.</p>

<p>Books: You can buy online or used or even rent, this will be a cost saver.</p>

<p>Dining Dollars: You can choose to not even use that money and ask for a refund at the end of the year.</p>

<p>Personal/clothes costs: Bring toiletries from home and add only those clothing items you really need.</p>

<p>Spending money: Be frugal -good time to start a budget.</p>

<p>Travel costs: Share a ride, or try taking the train -this can be a big savings over flying. Buy airline tickets early and compare prices.</p>

<p>Supplies: Take a computer from home (if available) and who doesn’t have enough pens/pencils laying around?</p>

<p>Expensive, yes, But these are some suggestions for economizing!</p>

<p>Don’t forget to check your health care coverage, it might just cover your college student. That could be a big savings!</p>