Where should I apply?

Hi guys! I’m a rising senior at a highly competitive public school in CO. I want to go into nursing (preferably direct entry) somewhere sunny (as I have some bad seasonal depression). Here are my stats, and my list so far:

SAT: never taken
ACT: 33, taking again in June
GPA: 3.72 UW, 4.55W
AP, IB, University Classes:
Sophomore year-APUSH (5)
Junior year-IB World SL, AP Language and Composition, C.U. Boulder nutrition course (A)
Senior year-IB World HL, AP Biology, AP Literature and Comp, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP psych, either AP Calc or C.U. Boulder algebra & trig course

-Band: marching and concert, 4 years, 3 in leadership positions, state finalists in both marching and concert, French Horn, about 300 hours per year outside of school
-Colie’s Closet: peer education group, 4 years, 2 in leadership, personally over 200 hrs of presentations and volunteering
-School ERT: 2 years, 1 in leadership, first response to school medical emergencies (includes CPR, first aid, stop the bleed trainings)
-Knight Crew: school’s freshman seminar group, 2 years, 1 in leadership, letter of rec from director possible
-Work: worked 2 jobs over the past 2 years, one for ~8 hrs/week, 1 for about 12 hrs/week, only during spring semester and summer
-Sources of Strength: school mental health awareness organization, student led, organizes community involvement and mental health days around finals
-Hospital volunteering: just started in OB/New Life department, 4 hrs/week, probably will being applications with ~40 hours

-Hopefully getting my CNA next summer and can start working when I’m 18 (hopefully in the same OB unit I currently volunteer in)
-Staff in Training at a camp I’ve attended for 11 years this summer, about 3 weeks spent there volunteering with youth

I know this is a lot and that schools look at more than just ECs and scores! My schools so far are Saint Louis University, Pacific Lutheran Univeristy, Arizona State University, U of Arizona (2+2), University of Pennsylvania, University of Miami, UT Austin.

Thank you x1000!

Whatever you do, direct admit.

What about Georgetown or UVA? I am also a rising senior and visited both and really loved both of the campuses and the nursing programs at each and both are direct entry. I think they could count as Sunny-ish places (although living in MA makes everything else seem sunny lol)