Where should i apply....

<p>I was originally hoping to get into a 7 yr med progam but i fiugre i dont really have a chance after looking at everyone elses stats on this site. Anyway i want to see where i can get into...i'm probably gonna major in engineering but take premed courses too and then apply to med schools. Tell me what are some schools that would be a reach or some that would be saftey schools.</p>

<p>SATI: 2150 (800M, 650CR, 700W)
SATII: Took IIC and chem in may, waiting for scores
Taking physics and maybe bio in june</p>

<p>Total AP's including planned ones for senior year:
Chem, Calc BC, Bio, Physics, Physcology, Stat</p>

Varsity Tennis: Junior year and gonna be captain senior year
Asian Club: 4 years, VP senior year
JSA (debate): 4 years, Secratary Junior year, VP senior year
Octagon Club: Junior and senior year
Asha Club (raises money for kids in india with no money so they can get an education) Junior and senior year
Nation Latin Honor Scoeity</p>

<p>Volunteer work:
about 300 hrs at a hospital
about 200 hrs in first aid
Went to brazil on a trip with doctors to help babies born with aids/hiv
Doing research at a university this summer (dont know if thats an EC or volunteer thing)</p>

National Latin award (9th grade)
National Latin Award (10th grade)
National Latin Award (11th grade)
Two best speaker awards at JSA conventions</p>

<p>Thats pretty much it....i dont think i forgot anything but tell me if i did. I am looking for schools in the east coast preferably but its not that big of a priority. Money is not really too big of a problem. Please tell me what schools i should reach for and what would be some good saftey schools. Thanks.</p>

<p>wait....i just remembered.....my rank is 27/644 as of beginning of junior year, expecting it to raise. Final gpa for freshamn through junior year is probably a 4.4 out of a 4.6 scale (i slacked freshman year).</p>

<p>can you give any more info about what kind of school you're looking for? what major do you want, what kind of clubs, sports, anything like that?</p>

<p>i want to go into med school but am gonna major in engineering in college (most likely biomedical engineering) and then take mcats and apply for med school. I want to be in the city, i live in jersey now and dont really want to go to college there but i'll apply to places here anyway. The college doesnt necessarily have to be in the city but it can be close to it, like a subway ride away or something. Being in the city wont matter if i can get into a good school in a boring town.</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins BME</p>

<p>I applied to Blue Nek U and i for accepted with a full ride</p>

<p>apply to WUSTL for med, they're really good. some of the UC's if you live in cali. don't worry about other people's stats and letting that affect your decisions. do whatever you feel is good for you. your stats aren't all that bad. not a bad SAT score.</p>

<p>you're a JSAer, too? high five*. what chapter are you from?</p>

<p>manalapan in nj</p>

<p>does anybody know any other schools with good biomedical engineering programs decides John Hopkins or WuSTL. I hear BU has a good BME program but i dont know of any others.</p>

<p>Northwestern has a transfer to JHU (not transfer, its more of a joint school thingie)</p>

<p>National Latin award (9th grade)
National Latin Award (10th grade)
National Latin Award (11th grade)</p>

<p>do these mean your national latin champion or something? specify. I really doubt that, not to offend you, but...don't exclude necessary info.</p>

<p>the national latin award is just an award you can get once a year. every year, all students taking latin take the Nation Latin Examination (difficulty based on which year of latin you take). I am no where near being national latin champion but i got an award b/c if you surpass a certain score out of 40 questions (i think 33), you get an award (40/40 being gold medal, 37/40 being silver....). Anyway, i was like one of thousands to get an award.</p>

<p>o yea..one more thing....has anyone ever heard of the private school in mass. Philips Academy....i went there for the summer program....would it be any help to put it on my app.?</p>

<p>community college....if they let you go, that is.</p>
