Where should I apply?

<p>Just wondering, if anyone could help me out in my college search... I' 16 years old and in august I'll become a senior at Colegio Marista ( Puerto Rico ). I'm ranked 1/105, 4.00 throught out high school, and various extracurricular activities, especcially during my junior year. Some of them have been:
8th grade: I was a student ambassador, a group of only 25, from PR in the People to People program to Australia.<br>
9th grade: volleyball team, environmental club
10th grade: volleyball team, environmental club, worked in a scuba diving camp for kids ( I'm a certified master diver )
11th grade: president of the enviromental club, joined the united nations club ( and won all three competitions in which I participated, including NAIMUN ), orientation club, coached a kid's volleyball team for my school, worked for my counselor ). Member of the National Society of High School Scholars
This summer: working at a scuba diving facility( full time job ). Assisting the National Student Leadership Forum on International Diplomacy, the Congressional Student Leadership Forum on Law and Trial Advocacy and was accepted to the Girls Lead Conference in Georgetown University ( only 100 young women are accepted )
* Throughout 9thgrade-11thgrade my high school does not offer AP classes but does offer advanced classes. I have taken all of these classes, including French throughout all my highschool years.
12th grade: president of the environmental club, vice-president of the United Nations Club ( elections were held during my junior year ), AP classes: Calculus, English and Biology. Advanced classes: English and Spanish, also taking French again.</p>

<p>SAT scores: 610 Writing, 610 Reading and 570 Math ( remember my first language is Spanish, not English ) This is my first SAT and I'm currently waiting for my second score report, which I believed improved.</p>

<p>My interests are: Double mayor in history and international relations, then Law School ( international law )</p>

<p>What universities are right for me?? are Ivies out of my league????/ please help me I not sure where I should apply. Thanks....</p>

<p>Alexandra, let me be totally honest. While Puerto Ricans are considered URMs, your resume tells adcoms you are not a disadvantaged child of PR. Georgetown, Australia, scuba and French tell us you have had every advantage. Given that, I'd have to say ivies are a big reach.</p>

<p>Were you Puerto Rican from a poor public school in NYC, you might have a shot at some lower ivies or close to ivy schools.</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply!!!!! I know I'm not a disadvantage child from PR ( I just think any person whose first language isn't English has a disadvantage in the SAT.... but anyways just for the record many of the things I have been able to do were because of multiple donations and fundings.. If you were me, were would you apply???? ( consider my parents need financial aid )</p>

<p>The break for english not being your first language comes with a lower CR score, not math. I would focus on school where a 1200 SAT is average.</p>

<p>Thanks again!! any specific universities, considering my interest??</p>