Where should I apply?

<p>Can anyone help me out by suggesting some reaches, good matches, and safety schools? Generally looking for schools in the north east</p>

<p>Intended Major: undecided
SATs: 2200 (800 Math, 660 Verbal, 740 Writing)
4.38 GPA (weighted due to honors classes... 4.5 scale)
ECs: National Honor Society, National French Honor Society, Math League, Science League (1 year), and musical theatre/performing arts</p>

<p>Senior year: AP Calc BC
AP English Literature
AP US History (or AP Government... not sure yet)
French IV honors
(science doesn't fit in my schedule... but I've taken 4 years of classes. Three of them had lab components. I have not been able to schedule any AP sciences)</p>

<p><em>bump</em> please help ?</p>

<p>What are my chances at any ivies, tufts, boston college, nyu?
<em>Applying to liberal arts programs</em></p>

<p>You haven't given me much to go on, but based on what you've said, NYU and BC are almost safeties. If I am correct in guessing, based on your GPA, that you are in among the top in your class but not necessarily one of the few best, than I think the top Ivies would be something of a reach. You have an excellent chance at Cornell early, and a good chance RD. Your chances at the others, which are smaller and therefore more focused on intangibles, will have a lot to do with how good your essays and recs are. At any of them, your chances will be increased significantly by applying early</p>

<p>You might want to consider the women's colleges, which are excellent but less competitve. Even if the idea of an all-girls school turns you off, Barnard would be a good compromise. Among LACs, Haverford and Wesleyan, Vasar, or Bowdoin might be good matches, while Swat, Amherst, and Williams would be nice "reasonable reaches." I think you would also be a good applicant at JHU. Good luck!</p>